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 Greenland ice loss acceleration Velicogna 2009.pdf142K
 Levitus ocean heat 2009.pdf162K
 Overland_2008 Arctic Antarctic Summary.pdf171K
 Adaptation 2010.pdf190K
 Hansen_2007 Sea level rise and reticence.pdf214K
 Elsner_2008 Increasing cyclone intensity.pdf232K
 Adaptation 2010 Miami.pdf239K
 Easterling warming or cooling.pdf250K
 Rahmstorf_2010 Sea level.pdf253K
 Adaptation coastal.pdf303K
 Adjustable adaptation 2009.pdf303K
 Church_ 2006 Sea level acceleration.pdf348K
 ElNino increasing 2010.pdf374K
 Adaptation 2010 Netherlands.pdf384K
 Overpeck_2006 LIG sea level model.pdf403K
 Vermeer Rahmstorf SLR 2009.pdf455K
 Army Corps Sea Level Rise.pdf457K
 ENSO Collins 2010.pdf465K
 Glacial cycles Sigman 2010.pdf506K
 Arctic warming Kaufman 2009.pdf533K
 Kopp Interglacial sea level 2009.pdf596K
 Climate seesaw 2009.pdf626K
 Velocity climate change Loarie 2009.pdf681K
 Blanchon 5e reef 2009.pdf707K
 Lean and Rind 2009 model temperature.pdf749K
 Vecchi weaker trade winds 2006.pdf782K
 Antarctic ice loss accelerated 2009.pdf893K
 Solomon09 irreversible climate change.pdf1.0M
 Pfeffer sea level calving 2008.pdf1.0M
 Merrifield GSL acceleration 2009.pdf1.4M
 Islands climate change surviving.pdf1.4M
 Interglacial sea level Clark 2010.pdf1.6M
 Muhs et al 2002QSRHawaii-Bermuda.pdf1.9M
 Steig_2009 antarctic warming.pdf2.0M
 GG420 Lect 3_Orbital Theory.ppt2.5M
 GG420 Lect 1_Intro.ppt2.5M
 Sea level review Science 2010.pdf2.6M
 Fletcher FSM climate.pdf4.1M
 GG420 Lect 2_Isotopic stages.ppt8.2M
 GG420 Lect 10_Quat_Dating.ppt 10M
 GG420 Lect 9_Barrier Islands.ppt 13M
 Climate Update 2010 NEW.ppt 16M
 GG420 Lect 4_ Global Warming.ppt 17M
 GG420 Lect 8_Coastal Processes.ppt 18M
 GG420 Intro_Quat_Climate change.ppt 22M
 Runup_animation_ero_1.AVI 31M
 GG420 Lect 5_ Hawaii Reefs I.ppt 37M 38M
 GG420 Lect 6_ Hawaii Reefs II.ppt 49M
 GG420 Lect 5_ Hawaii Reefs III.ppt 60M
 GG420 Lect 7_ Holocene Sea Level.ppt 62M
 GISTEMP_2009update_Dates.avi 70M
 BlueLineTour.avi 73M
 greenlandmovie.avi 83M

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