7849.222,SSURF,N,Basestation not in a good state to send targets () (call droppe d?), skipping tranfer 7859.510,SSURF,N,Basestation not in a good state to send science () (call droppe d?), skipping tranfer 7868.691,SSURF,N,Basestation not in a good state to send pdoscmds.bat () (call d ropped?), skipping tranfer 7891.333,SSURF,N,logout... 7897.921,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (7,Iridium_during_xfer) without corresponding powerON ! 7898.026,SSURF,N,Total NAK's: 0, timeouts: 0 7898.153,SGLMALLOC,N,glcheck: 357248 bytes free, 17 blocks free, 408 bytes alloc , 14 blocks alloc, 7898.323,SSURF,N,in recovery, lpsleep... 8078.639,SSURF,N,in recovery (CONTROL_FINISHED_OK/QUIT_COMMAND) after 18 profile s, cycle 10 8078.913,SSURF,N,Starting surface maneuver... 8083.139,SSURF,N,disabling surface maneuver aborts 8084.363,SSURF,N,d= 1.41m 8084.442,SSURF,N,pitching away from full forward before roll 8084.692,HPITCH,N,Pitch commanded from -8.20 cm (78) to -6.12 cm (743)... Version 66.04/10:1723M starting up Apr 20 2009 05:25:12 Built with SCENARIO, without ICE, without RAFOS, without KERMIT, without ARS, without MMODEM, without AQUADOPP, without DEEPGLIDER, without HEAP RECYCLE, without REV_C glmalloc_init: _init = 0 glmalloc_init: avail_bytes = 487423, requested_bytes = 358400 glmalloc_init: Allocated 358400 bytes. -2048.123,SSENSOR,N,assigned SBE_CT to sensor slot 1 (p = 2) -2048.204,SSENSOR,N,assigned WL_BBFL2VMT to sensor slot 2 (p = 83) -2048.293,SSENSOR,N,assigned AA4330 to sensor slot 3 (p = 101) -2048.377,SSENSOR,N,assigned SBE_O2 to sensor slot 4 (p = 20) -2048.459,SSENSOR,N,assigned WL_BB2F to sensor slot 5 (p = 38) -2048.539,HCOMPASS,N,Active compass is SP3003 -2048.611,SSYS,N,Changing capture file -2048.698,SUSR,N,WARNING! $PITCH_GAIN,37.0000: Recommended range is between 0.00 00 and 30.0000! -2046.971,SUSR,N,Glider 512, mission 5, dive 18, booted Wed Dec 31 23:25:54 1969 -2045.639,SSURF,N,Hit CR within 1 minute to start, otherwise will go to recovery ... Set current date and time for default [04/20/2009 05:25:12] Are you running on external (bench) power? [N] ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR): 2 ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter *Sensors 10 [ct ] C,T sensors 11 [nullct ] NULL C,T sensors 12 [o2 ] O2 sensor 13 [wetlabs ] WETLabs VSF & fluorometer 14 [par ] QSP 2150 PAR sensor 15 [optode ] Optode *Other 16 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 17 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 18 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 19 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-19,CR): 18 ------ Miscellaneous hardware functions ------ 1 [travel ] Prepare for travel 2 [iotime ] Change user IO timeout 3 [timeout ] Change watchdog time (mins) 4 [date ] Read/set time-of-day 5 [zerost ] Reset self-test counter to zero 6 [fault ] Force a fault - WARNING, CRASHES to TOM8!!!! 7 [dump ] Dump captured registers CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-7,CR): 1 Bleeding down... 15.234,HVBD,N,Bleed commanded from 404.98 cc (499) to -293.86 cc (3348)... 20.144,HVBD,N,402.0 cc (ad: 511 [490, 545]) ................... 31.394,HVBD,N,324.8 cc (ad: 826 [839, 825]) ................... 42.569,HVBD,N,253.1 cc (ad: 1118 [1157, 1089]) ................... 53.769,HVBD,N,186.9 cc (ad: 1388 [1450, 1336]) ................... 64.919,HVBD,N,126.6 cc (ad: 1634 [1687, 1588]) ................... 76.044,HVBD,N,73.1 cc (ad: 1852 [1900, 1814]) ................... 87.169,HVBD,N,21.1 cc (ad: 2064 [2106, 2031]) ................... 98.344,HVBD,N,-30.7 cc (ad: 2275 [2309, 2247]) ................... 109.519,HVBD,N,-80.9 cc (ad: 2480 [2509, 2459]) ................... 120.669,HVBD,N,-131.5 cc (ad: 2686 [2707, 2673]) ................... 131.894,HVBD,N,-182.7 cc (ad: 2895 [2916, 2880]) ................... 143.069,HVBD,N,-234.0 cc (ad: 3104 [3122, 3094]) ................... 154.244,HVBD,N,-284.5 cc (ad: 3310 [3325, 3304]) ....MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 18 max 2 4v: 1.210A avg 24v: 0.070A 156.994,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 5485/5487504 157.086,HVBD,N,done. 157.246,HVBD,N,Bleed completed from 404.98 cc (499) to -293.86 cc (3348 [3354, 3 343]) took 136.6 sec 0.000A (1.236A peak) 20 AD/sec 5464 ticks 157.603,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 3348 a: 3348 d: 0 o: 0 Pitching full forward... 157.868,HPITCH,N,Pitch commanded from -8.20 cm (78) to -8.11 cm (104)... 163.265,HPITCH,N,-8.1 cm (ad: 107) MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 23 max 24v: 0.002A avg 24v : 0.001A 163.775,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 29/31167 163.862,HPITCH,N,done. 164.002,HPITCH,N,Pitch completed from -8.20 cm (78) to -8.11 cm (107) took 0.1 s ec 0.084A (0.174A peak) 386 AD/sec 3 ticks 164.334,HPITCH,N,TRACK: b: 88 a: 94 d: -3 o: 13 Rolling to center... 164.571,HROLL,N,Roll commanded from -13.26 deg (2251) to 0.00 deg (2720)... 169.525,HROLL,N,-6.4 deg (ad: 2494) Updating parameter $R_STBD_OVSHOOT to 48 170.089,SMOTOR,N,MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 1 max 24v: 0.001A avg 24v: 0.001A 170.222,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 32/34109 170.309,HROLL,N,done. 170.454,HROLL,N,Roll completed from -13.23 deg (2252) to 0.40 deg (2734) took 0. 7 sec 0.035A (0.153A peak) 688 AD/sec 28 ticks 170.795,HROLL,N,TRACK: b: 2679 a: 2686 d: -17 o: 48 You are good to go! ------ Miscellaneous hardware functions ------ 1 [travel ] Prepare for travel 2 [iotime ] Change user IO timeout 3 [timeout ] Change watchdog time (mins) 4 [date ] Read/set time-of-day 5 [zerost ] Reset self-test counter to zero 6 [fault ] Force a fault - WARNING, CRASHES to TOM8!!!! 7 [dump ] Dump captured registers CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-7,CR): ------ Hardware Menu ------ *Motors and VBD 1 [pitch ] Pitch control 2 [roll ] Roll control 3 [vbd ] VBD control 4 [pressure] Pressure sensor 5 [compass ] Compass (tcm2) 6 [gps ] GPS 7 [modem ] Modem (xmodem mode) 8 [intpress] Internal pressure 9 [altim ] Altimeter *Sensors 10 [ct ] C,T sensors 11 [nullct ] NULL C,T sensors 12 [o2 ] O2 sensor 13 [wetlabs ] WETLabs VSF & fluorometer 14 [par ] QSP 2150 PAR sensor 15 [optode ] Optode *Other 16 [batt ] Batteries and fuel gauges 17 [lowlevel] Low-level hardware (IO,A-D,CF) 18 [misc ] Miscellaneous (travel, timeouts, date/time) 19 [develop ] Developer tests CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-19,CR): ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR):