------ Steady-state G&C menu ------- Changed $HEADING to -1 Time for this 14mins Steady-state scenario pitch roll Vbd time scene cm deg cc sec ---------------------------------------- 1 -5.0 0.0 200.0 30.0 2 -5.0 0.0 -150.0 20.0 3 -0.3 0.0 0.0 20.0 4 3.0 0.0 150.0 10.0 1) Whole scene (pitch, roll, VBD) steps 2) Pitch steps (cm) 3) Roll steps (deg) 4) VBD steps (cc) 5) Passive mode time interval steps (s) 6) Clear all steps 7) Save scenario to file 8) Read scenario from file 9) Change surfacing VBD ($SM_CC) [220.00] 10) Change mission time (min) [25.00] 11) Change abort depth (m) [60.00] 12) Change heading error band (deg) [10.00] 13) Change time of no vertical velocity (sec) [120.00] 14) Change number of scenario runs to execute before recovery [1] CR) Return to previous menu Enter selection (1-13,CR): 7 Save to which configuration file: [0] 6 Configuration saved to run006.cfg. Enter selection (1-13,CR): ------ Launch Menu ------ 1 [scene ] Set scenario mode 2 [selftest] Perform interactive self test 3 [autotest] Perform autonomous self test 4 [reset ] Reset dive/run number 5 [test ] Test Launch! 6 [sea ] Sea Launch! CR) Return to previous Enter selection (1-6,CR): 5 Quick launch (skips some tests and calls - very dangerous!)? [N] y 374.648,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. Remove all old data and log files? [N] 378.984,SUSR,N,This is a SCENARIO run. 379.689,SNAV,N,Using the first target 'WPT1' 383.138,SUSR,N, Setting glider to pre-launch state ... 383.381,HPITCH,N,Pitch commanded from -11.83 cm (474) to -4.76 cm (2011)... 384.682,HPITCH,N,-11.4 cm (ad: 569) ............MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 14 max 24v: 0.005A avg 24v: 0.004A 391.600,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 289/291407 391.690,HPITCH,N,done. 391.838,HPITCH,N,Pitch completed from -11.83 cm (474) to -4.73 cm (2016) took 6.8 sec 0.042A (0.156A peak) 226 AD/sec 27 2 ticks 392.182,HPITCH,N,TRACK: b: 2001 a: 2004 d: -2 o: 12 392.377,HROLL,N,Roll commanded from 0.17 deg (2056) to 0.00 deg (2050)... 393.611,HROLL,N,0.2 deg (ad: 2057) MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 26 max 24v: 0.005A avg 24v: 0.004A 394.046,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 29/30611 394.134,HROLL,N,done. 394.201,HROLL,N,Roll: No motion occurred. 394.431,HVBD,N,Bleed commanded from 222.00 cc (1635) to 200.16 cc (1724)... 395.690,HVBD,N,219.5 cc (ad: 1645 [1703, 1594]) .......MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 16 max 24v: 1.063A avg 24v: 0.072A 400.020,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 184/186470 400.110,HVBD,N,done. 400.267,HVBD,N,Bleed completed from 222.00 cc (1635) to 200.16 cc (1724 [1793, 1656]) took 4.1 sec 0.000A (1.041A peak) 21 AD/sec 165 ticks 400.608,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 1724 a: 1724 d: 0 o: 0 Ready to launch? [N] y 402.388,SUSR,N,For a fresh start, reset the dive number to 1 Reset dive/run number to: [0] 1 414.202,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $DIVE to 1 414.490,HTT8,N,Writing NVRAM...done. 422.020,SSURF,N,Initializing data file 422.249,SSURF,N,Initializing log file 423.680,SUSR,N, Now wait for the phone call and confirm that QUIT is parsed and RECOVERY is entered before disconnecting comms cable and placing the glider in the water. If possible, confirm positive buoyancy and surface position before releasing. 0.548,SSURF,N,Entering surface state [ surface state ] 0.633,SSYS,N,Capture file closed Compressing THISDIVE.KAP to sg0000kz.a... 2.483,SSYS,N,Capture file opened Compressing THISDIVE.LOG to sg0000lz.x... 0.494,SSURF,N,Dive started Thu Jan 31 13:33:15 2008 0.613,SUSR,N,Heap: 0+126975 bytes 0.739,SGLMALLOC,N,glcheck: 357244 bytes free, 11 blocks free, 436 bytes alloc, 19 blocks alloc, 4.236,SUSR,N,Heap: 0+126975 bytes 4.354,SGLMALLOC,N,glcheck: 357464 bytes free, 2 blocks free, 432 bytes alloc, 19 blocks alloc, 4.621,HTT8,N,Updating parameter $DIVE to 1 4.907,HTT8,N,Writing NVRAM...done. 12.422,SSURF,N,Initializing data file 12.594,SSURF,N,Initializing log file 14.445,SSURF,N,Starting dive at 14s 14.528,SSURF,N,Leaving surface state [ read scene 1 ] 14.699,SUSR,N,Step 1, pitch= -4.8, roll = 0.0, vbd = 200.0 16.185,SDIVE,N,exiting active w/o sampling due to early MOTOR_DONE 16.617,SMOTOR,N,MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 14 max 24v: 0.005A avg 24v: 0.004A 16.749,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 17/18000 16.858,SDIVE,N,Exiting active in GCPHASE_DONE(6) after 1 samples 16.995,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 17.161,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 21.186,SSENSOR,N,P 19s 0.22m 223.1 #1 26.789,SSENSOR,N,P 25s 0.23m 223.1 #2 32.388,SSENSOR,N,P 30s 0.21m 223.2 #3 [ approx 30 secs at scene 1 ] 37.993,SSENSOR,N,P 36s 0.24m 223.3 #4 43.592,SSENSOR,N,P 42s 0.23m 223.2 #5 49.194,SSENSOR,N,P 47s 0.15m 223.3 #6 50.362,SDIVE,N,turn rate during steady passive flight = 0.014 deg/s 50.492,SDIVE,N,Exiting passive after 6 samples 50.605,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 50.772,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. [ scene 2 read ] 51.006,SUSR,N,Step 2, pitch= -5.2, roll = 0.0, vbd = -150.0 54.297,SSENSOR,N,A 52s 0.17m 223.1 #7 59.272,SSENSOR,N,A 57s 0.03m 223.2 #8 64.272,SSENSOR,N,A 62s 0.13m 223.0 #9 69.272,SSENSOR,N,A 67s 0.10m 223.0 #10 74.272,SSENSOR,N,A 72s 0.13m 223.3 #11 79.272,SSENSOR,N,A 77s 0.22m 223.0 #12 84.272,SSENSOR,N,A 82s 0.27m 223.0 #13 89.247,SSENSOR,N,A 87s 0.22m 223.0 #14 94.247,SSENSOR,N,A 92s 0.20m 223.2 #15 [ bleed down about 75secs ] 99.247,SSENSOR,N,A 97s 0.15m 223.2 #16 104.222,SSENSOR,N,A 103s 0.25m 223.2 #17 109.222,SSENSOR,N,A 108s 0.25m 223.3 #18 114.197,SSENSOR,N,A 113s 0.17m 223.0 #19 119.172,SSENSOR,N,A 118s 0.20m 223.1 #20 124.172,SSENSOR,N,A 123s 0.20m 223.1 #21 129.122,SSENSOR,N,A 128s 0.23m 223.3 #22 132.336,SMOTOR,N,MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 107 max 24v: 1.066A avg 24v: 0.014A 132.472,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 3164/3194866 132.653,HPITCH,N,Pitch completed from -4.73 cm (2016) to -5.25 cm (1904) took 0.4 sec 0.037A (0.154A peak) 263 AD/sec 17 ticks 132.993,HPITCH,N,TRACK: b: 1926 a: 1925 d: 0 o: -21 133.193,HVBD,N,Bleed completed from 199.67 cc (1726) to -149.88 cc (3151 [3333, 2969]) took 75.9 sec 0.000A (1.174A peak ) 18 AD/sec 3037 ticks 133.547,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 3151 a: 3151 d: 0 o: 0 133.656,SDIVE,N,Exiting active in GCPHASE_DONE(6) after 16 samples 133.795,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 133.964,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 135.660,SSENSOR,N,P 134s 0.26m 223.1 #23 141.264,SSENSOR,N,P 139s 0.27m 223.3 #24 [ about 20sec scene 2 ] 146.868,SSENSOR,N,P 145s 0.20m 223.1 #25 152.467,SSENSOR,N,P 150s 0.29m 223.2 #26 153.623,SDIVE,N,turn rate during steady passive flight = 0.010 deg/s 153.755,SDIVE,N,Exiting passive after 4 samples 153.869,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 154.037,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. [ read scene 3 ] 154.292,SUSR,N,Step 3, pitch= -0.3, roll = 0.0, vbd = 0.0 157.555,SSENSOR,N,A 155s 0.23m 223.3 #27 162.505,SSENSOR,N,A 160s 0.28m 223.0 #28 167.530,SSENSOR,N,A 165s 0.25m 223.3 #29 172.530,SSENSOR,N,A 171s 0.24m 223.2 #30 177.505,SSENSOR,N,A 176s 0.26m 223.0 #31 182.505,SSENSOR,N,A 181s 0.24m 223.3 #32 [ begin pump -150cc -> 0 cc scene 3 ] 187.505,SSENSOR,N,A 186s 0.18m 223.3 #33 192.480,SSENSOR,N,A 191s 0.29m 222.9 #34 197.480,SSENSOR,N,A 196s 0.25m 223.2 #35 202.455,SSENSOR,N,A 201s 0.26m 223.5 #36 207.455,SSENSOR,N,A 206s 0.27m 223.1 #37 212.455,SSENSOR,N,A 211s 0.27m 223.2 #38 217.455,SSENSOR,N,A 216s 0.24m 223.3 #39 222.455,SSENSOR,N,A 221s 0.24m 222.9 #40 227.430,SSENSOR,N,A 226s 0.22m 223.3 #41 232.430,SSENSOR,N,A 231s 0.28m 223.0 #42 237.405,SSENSOR,N,A 236s 0.28m 223.3 #43 242.380,SSENSOR,N,A 241s 0.29m 223.2 #44 [ takes about 96 secs ] 247.380,SSENSOR,N,A 246s 0.24m 223.1 #45 252.380,SSENSOR,N,A 251s 0.28m 223.3 #46 257.355,SSENSOR,N,A 256s 0.24m 223.3 #47 260.807,SMOTOR,N,MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 125 max 24v: 0.008A avg 24v: 0.005A 260.943,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 4162/4201698 261.123,HPITCH,N,Pitch completed from -5.25 cm (1904) to -0.27 cm (2986) took 4.7 sec 0.043A (0.157A peak) 228 AD/sec 18 9 ticks 261.466,HPITCH,N,TRACK: b: 2971 a: 2974 d: -4 o: 12 261.654,HVBD,N,Pump completed from -149.88 cc (3151) to 0.25 cc (2539 [2625, 2453]) took 96.1 sec 0.425A (2.612A peak) 6 AD/sec 3845 ticks 262.033,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 2540 a: 2540 d: 0 o: -1 262.144,SDIVE,N,Exiting active in GCPHASE_DONE(6) after 21 samples 262.283,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 262.451,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 264.149,SSENSOR,N,P 262s 0.26m 223.2 #48 269.751,SSENSOR,N,P 268s 0.21m 223.1 #49 275.352,SSENSOR,N,P 273s 0.22m 223.2 #50 [ about 20sec scene 3 ] 280.956,SSENSOR,N,P 279s 0.26m 223.2 #51 282.128,SDIVE,N,turn rate during steady passive flight = -0.004 deg/s 282.262,SDIVE,N,Exiting passive after 4 samples 282.376,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 282.544,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. [ read scene 4 ] 282.825,SUSR,N,Step 4, pitch= 3.2, roll = 0.0, vbd = 150.0 286.052,SSENSOR,N,A 284s 0.18m 223.3 #52 291.027,SSENSOR,N,A 289s 0.18m 223.3 #53 296.002,SSENSOR,N,A 294s 0.16m 223.1 #54 301.002,SSENSOR,N,A 299s 0.22m 223.0 #55 305.977,SSENSOR,N,A 304s 0.24m 223.2 #56 310.977,SSENSOR,N,A 309s 0.20m 223.1 #57 315.977,SSENSOR,N,A 314s 0.15m 223.2 #58 320.977,SSENSOR,N,A 319s 0.12m 223.4 #59 325.952,SSENSOR,N,A 324s 0.24m 223.1 #60 330.952,SSENSOR,N,A 329s 0.19m 223.2 #61 335.952,SSENSOR,N,A 334s 0.18m 223.3 #62 [ scene 4 pump fm 0 -> 150 cc ] 340.927,SSENSOR,N,A 339s 0.20m 223.4 #63 345.902,SSENSOR,N,A 344s 0.17m 223.3 #64 350.927,SSENSOR,N,A 349s 0.22m 223.2 #65 355.927,SSENSOR,N,A 354s 0.17m 223.2 #66 360.927,SSENSOR,N,A 359s 0.18m 223.3 #67 365.927,SSENSOR,N,A 365s 0.18m 223.1 #68 370.902,SSENSOR,N,A 370s 0.18m 222.9 #69 375.927,SSENSOR,N,A 375s 0.24m 223.2 #70 [ pump time 105 sec ] 380.927,SSENSOR,N,A 380s 0.16m 223.0 #71 385.927,SSENSOR,N,A 385s 0.15m 223.0 #72 390.927,SSENSOR,N,A 390s 0.19m 223.0 #73 394.687,SMOTOR,N,MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 47 max 24v: 0.007A avg 24v: 0.005A 394.821,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 4371/4414049 395.003,HPITCH,N,Pitch completed from -0.28 cm (2985) to 3.19 cm (3738) took 3.3 sec 0.050A (0.700A peak) 229 AD/sec 131 ticks 395.341,HPITCH,N,TRACK: b: 3725 a: 3729 d: -1 o: 9 395.528,HVBD,N,Pump completed from 0.25 cc (2539) to 150.37 cc (1927 [1966, 1889]) took 104.8 sec 0.420A (2.508A peak) 5 AD/sec 4190 ticks 395.917,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 1928 a: 1928 d: 0 o: -1 396.028,SDIVE,N,Exiting active in GCPHASE_DONE(6) after 22 samples 396.168,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 396.336,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 398.032,SSENSOR,N,P 396s 0.22m 223.1 #74 403.636,SSENSOR,N,P 402s 0.30m 223.0 #75 409.234,SSENSOR,N,P 407s 0.26m 222.8 #76 414.835,SSENSOR,N,P 413s 0.20m 223.1 #77 420.438,SSENSOR,N,P 418s 0.24m 223.1 #78 426.041,SSENSOR,N,P 424s 0.27m 223.0 #79 431.640,SSENSOR,N,P 430s 0.25m 223.0 #80 437.247,SSENSOR,N,P 435s 0.25m 223.1 #81 442.848,SSENSOR,N,P 441s 0.31m 223.0 #82 448.448,SSENSOR,N,P 446s 0.24m 223.1 #83 454.051,SSENSOR,N,P 452s 0.19m 223.1 #84 459.651,SSENSOR,N,P 458s 0.18m 223.2 #85 465.259,SSENSOR,N,P 463s 0.20m 223.3 #86 [ now should be about 10secs ] 470.862,SSENSOR,N,P 469s 0.21m 222.9 #87 476.467,SSENSOR,N,P 474s 0.21m 223.4 #88 482.069,SSENSOR,N,P 480s 0.23m 223.0 #89 487.672,SSENSOR,N,P 486s 0.27m 223.2 #90 493.276,SSENSOR,N,P 491s 0.19m 223.2 #91 498.878,SSENSOR,N,P 497s 0.18m 223.2 #92 504.481,SSENSOR,N,P 502s 0.25m 223.0 #93 510.080,SSENSOR,N,P 508s 0.25m 223.0 #94 515.679,SSENSOR,N,P 514s 0.24m 223.1 #95 521.281,SSENSOR,N,P 519s 0.18m 223.2 #96 526.881,SSENSOR,N,P 525s 0.21m 223.1 #97 532.482,SSENSOR,N,P 530s 0.19m 223.4 #98 538.088,SSENSOR,N,P 536s 0.21m 223.0 #99 543.688,SSENSOR,N,P 542s 0.23m 223.2 #100 549.294,SSENSOR,N,P 547s 0.13m 223.3 #101 554.898,SSENSOR,N,P 553s 0.25m 223.3 #102 560.495,SSENSOR,N,P 558s 0.24m 223.2 #103 566.099,SSENSOR,N,P 564s 0.14m 223.1 #104 571.698,SSENSOR,N,P 570s 0.18m 223.3 #105 577.300,SSENSOR,N,P 575s 0.23m 223.1 #106 582.900,SSENSOR,N,P 581s 0.16m 223.2 #107 588.505,SSENSOR,N,P 586s 0.15m 222.9 #108 594.105,SSENSOR,N,P 592s 0.20m 223.1 #109 599.706,SSENSOR,N,P 598s 0.22m 223.2 #110 605.309,SSENSOR,N,P 603s 0.22m 223.1 #111 610.913,SSENSOR,N,P 609s 0.14m 223.2 #112 616.512,SSENSOR,N,P 614s 0.09m 223.1 #113 622.119,SSENSOR,N,P 620s 0.13m 223.2 #114 627.717,SSENSOR,N,P 626s 0.23m 223.1 #115 633.319,SSENSOR,N,P 631s 0.26m 223.2 #116 638.917,SSENSOR,N,P 637s 0.31m 223.2 #117 644.521,SSENSOR,N,P 642s 0.20m 223.3 #118 650.122,SSENSOR,N,P 648s 0.22m 223.3 #119 655.724,SSENSOR,N,P 654s 0.28m 223.1 #120 661.328,SSENSOR,N,P 659s 0.23m 223.1 #121 666.931,SSENSOR,N,P 665s 0.17m 223.2 #122 672.533,SSENSOR,N,P 670s 0.28m 223.1 #123 678.134,SSENSOR,N,P 676s 0.22m 223.0 #124 683.733,SSENSOR,N,P 682s 0.24m 223.0 #125 689.335,SSENSOR,N,P 687s 0.28m 223.4 #126 694.940,SSENSOR,N,P 693s 0.17m 223.3 #127 700.539,SSENSOR,N,P 698s 0.16m 223.0 #128 706.142,SSENSOR,N,P 704s 0.21m 223.0 #129 711.746,SSENSOR,N,P 710s 0.29m 223.0 #130 717.347,SSENSOR,N,P 715s 0.22m 223.0 #131 [ but actually exiting after 60 5sec samples ] 722.951,SSENSOR,N,P 721s 0.18m 223.1 #132 728.553,SSENSOR,N,P 726s 0.28m 223.2 #133 729.724,SDIVE,N,turn rate during steady passive flight = -0.001 deg/s 730.598,SDIVE,N,Exiting passive after 60 samples 730.714,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 730.882,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 731.269,SDIVE,N,Scenario run 1 of 1 finished. 731.380,HTT8,N,TT8 state: Normal (2MHz); analog off; TPU TCR1 480000Hz, tick rate 40000Hz 731.548,SPOWER,N,All devices are off. 731.636,SDIVE,N,Entering End of Scenario Phase 731.746,SSURF,N,Entering recovery state, force_to_surface=1, flush_data=1 731.896,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (23,SBE_CT) without corresponding powerON! 732.039,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (24,SBE_O2) without corresponding powerON! 732.183,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (25,Optode) without corresponding powerON! 732.327,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (26,WL_BB2F) without corresponding powerON! 732.471,SPOWER,N,powerOFF (27,WL_BBFL2VMT) without corresponding powerON! 732.608,SSURF,N,Starting surface maneuver... 733.279,SSURF,N,disabling surface maneuver aborts 734.490,SSURF,N,d= 0.19m 734.652,HROLL,N,Roll commanded from 0.17 deg (2056) to 0.00 deg (2050)... 735.918,HROLL,N,0.2 deg (ad: 2057) MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 26 max 24v: 0.005A avg 24v: 0.004A 736.353,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 29/30569 736.440,HROLL,N,done. 736.507,HROLL,N,Roll: No motion occurred. 736.728,HPITCH,N,Pitch commanded from 3.19 cm (3738) to -11.78 cm (485)... 738.048,HPITCH,N,2.7 cm (ad: 3641) ................... 749.123,HPITCH,N,-9.1 cm (ad: 1073) .....MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 16 max 24v: 0.005A avg 24v: 0.004A 752.293,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 581/583410 752.382,HPITCH,N,done. 752.528,HPITCH,N,Pitch completed from 3.19 cm (3738) to -11.84 cm (472) took 14.1 sec 0.030A (0.159A peak) 232 AD/sec 56 2 ticks 752.874,HPITCH,N,TRACK: b: 493 a: 489 d: 4 o: -17 753.122,HVBD,N,Pump commanded from 151.35 cc (1923) to 220.03 cc (1643)... 754.466,HVBD,N,151.6 cc (ad: 1922 [1965, 1878]) ................... 765.616,HVBD,N,164.6 cc (ad: 1869 [1908, 1828]) ................... 776.691,HVBD,N,179.1 cc (ad: 1810 [1847, 1771]) ................... 787.766,HVBD,N,194.0 cc (ad: 1749 [1785, 1713]) ................... 798.891,HVBD,N,208.0 cc (ad: 1692 [1726, 1656]) .................MOTOR_DONE: ticks: 5 max 24v: 0.007A avg 24v: 0.006A 808.448,SMOTOR,N,GC TICKS/TIME: 2172/2174002 808.540,HVBD,N,done. 808.698,HVBD,N,Pump completed from 151.10 cc (1924) to 220.28 cc (1642 [1675, 1609]) took 54.1 sec 0.416A (2.648A peak) 5 AD/sec 2164 ticks 809.077,HVBD,N,TRACK: b: 1643 a: 1643 d: 0 o: -1 810.176,SSURF,N,Depth at end of surface maneuver = 0.195399 811.704,SSURF,N,Finished surface maneuver... 812.347,SSURF,N,in recovery because of CONTROL_FINISHED_OK/END_OF_SCENARIO_RUNS after 1 profiles... 812.532,SSYS,N,Capture file closed Compressing THISDIVE.KAP to sg0001kz.a... 815.232,SSYS,N,Capture file opened Compressing THISDIVE.DAT to sg0001dz.x... Compressing THISDIVE.LOG to sg0001lz.x... 817.751,SSURF,N,Leaving recovery state ------ Main Menu ------ 1 [param ] Parameters and configuration 2 [hw ] Hardware tests and monitoring 3 [modes ] Test operation modes and files 4 [pdos ] PicoDOS commands (and exit) 5 [launch ] Pre-launch Enter selection (1-5,CR):