bak_50m.shp Source Bathymetry: Mosaic of gridded multibeam bathymetry and bathymetry derived from multispectral World View-2 satellite imagery Process: Contour was derived from the mosaic bathymetry using the contour tool of ArcGIS (version 10.1) by Esri. File Location: \\PICMAKAI\GIS\worldview2\WV2_Bathymetry\Final_Products\Baker\bak_dbmb_5m how_50m.shp Source Bathymetry: Gridded multibeam bathymetry in 5m of Howland Island, Pacific Remote Island Area, USA Process: Contour was derived from the gridded bathymetry using the contour tool of ArcGIS (version 10.1) by Esri. File Location: \\PICMAKAI\GIS\GIS\Data\PRIAS\Basemaps\Bathymetry\Multibeam\how_5mp jar_50m.shp Source Bathymetry: Gridded multibeam bathymetry in 20m of Jarvis Island, Pacific Remote Island Area, USA (Outdated - Now it has the gridded multibeam bathymetry in 5m) Other Depth Source: NOAA chart Process: Land shapefile was digitized from NOAA Chart for use as sea level, mosaiced with multibeam bathymetry grid. Contour was derived from the mosaic bathymetry using the contour tool of ArcGIS (version 10.1) by Esri. File Location: \\PICMAKAI\GIS\GIS\Projects\SeafloorCalc\Final_Products\jar_inpo_land pal_50m.shp Source Bathymery: Mosaic of gridded multibeam bathymetry and bathymetry derived from multispectral IKONOS satellite imagery of Palmyra Atoll, Pacific Remote Island Area, USA Process: Contour was derived from the mosaic bathymetry using the contour tool of ArcGIS (version 10.1) by Esri. File Location: \\PICMAKAI\GIS\GIS\Projects\SeafloorCalc\Final_Products\pal_inpo kin_50m.shp Source Bathymetry: Mosaic of gridded multibeam bathymetry and bathymetry derived from multispectral IKONOS satellite imagery of Kingman Reef, Pacific Remote Island Area, USA Process: Contour was derived from the mosaic bathymetry using the contour tool of ArcGIS (version 10.1) by Esri. File Location: \\PICMAKAI\GIS\Data\PRIAS\Basemaps\Bathymetry\KyleHogrefe\Kin_Deliverable\ESRI_Grids\kin_dbmb joh_50m.shp Source Bathymetry: Mosaic of gridded multibeam bathymetry and bathymetry derived from multispectral IKONOS Satellite imagery of Johnston Atoll, Pacific Remote Island Area, USA Process: Contour was derived from the gridded bathymetry using the contour tool of ArcGIS (version 10.1) by Esri. File Location: \\PICMAKAI\GIS\GIS\Projects\SeafloorCalc\Final_Products\joh_inpo wak_50m.shp Source Bathymetry: Grothe, P.R., L.A. Taylor, B.W. Eakins, K.S. Carignan, R.R. Warnken, E. Lim, and R.J. Caldwell, 2010. Digital Elevation Models of Wake Island: Procedures, Data Sources and Analysis, NOAA Technical Memorandum NESDIS NGDC-32, Dept. of Commerce, Boulder, CO, 22 pp. Process: Contour was derived from the mosaic bathymetry using the contour tool of ArcGIS (Version 10.1) by Esri. File Location: \\PICMAKAI\GIS\Data\PRIAS\Basemaps\Bathymetry\OutsideDataSources\wak_1_3_sec_N58.img