=========================================== Lau Shipboard Rock pictures notes and usage conditions: =========================================== 1. picture library notes: The digital photos in this folder were taken aboard the R/V Thomspon in May 2009. Photos from each deployment of the Jason2 ROV have been placed in subdirectories identified by the dive number. Photos are titled by dive number and sample number, followed by a letter (a, b, c, etc..) for different views of the same sample. The images range in both quality and size, relecting conditions on the ship, sample condition, and the three different cameras used. This is the full set of raw, unprocessed pictures from this expedition. None of the images have been removed, although you will find some that are either out of focus, or too light or too dark. We've kept everything in the picture set in case there is something useful to be found in one of them. There is a scale bar in many photos; Sample names were written on 3" x 5" cards, which serve as scale indicators in those images larking the scale bar. 2. Usage policy: Feel free to use these pictures in whatever way that helps support your research effort. However, they are not to be published in scientific, popular press or personal media, in either digital or print form without written permission. Permission can be obtained upon request to Ken Rubin (krubin@hawaii.edu). 3. credits: The photos were taken by Ken Rubin and Nicole Keller.