of Stratospheric Air
[See Waugh and Hall 2002
for review paper.]
Trace gas observations have been used to infer several different aspects of the
transit time distributions ("age spectra") in the stratosphere. Most
commonly the ``mean age'', but also the modal time as well as the shape of the
TTDs. These observational inferences of transport timescales provide stringent
tests of numerical models independent of photochemistry, and comparisons of
these observations with chemical transport models have highlighted certain
problems with transport in the models. The inferences of the transport
timescales have also been used to infer the propagation of chlorine
into the stratosphere .
The mean age Γ can be calculated from measurements of a tracer that is
conserved and whose concentration varies linearly with time over the width of
the age spectrum. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)
approximately satisfy these criteria in the stratosphere, and have been
measured in the stratosphere. There is generally good agreement between Γ
estimates from different measurements, see plots below.
age calculated from observations: in situ CO2 (red), in situ SF6
(blue), and whole-air samples of SF6 outside vortex (green) and
inside vortex (magenta). Data available here.
At 20 km Γ increases from around 1 year near the equator to around 4 to 5
years at high latitudes, with large gradients in the subtropics. In general,
Γ increases with altitude and there are only weak vertical gradients above
25 km (the spikes in the high latitude profiles in the above plot are due to
sampling of fragments of vortex air). Combining all estimates of Γ it is
possible to from a schematic diagram of the altitude-latitude distribution the
annually-averaged zonal-mean mean age, see below. As it is based almost
exclusively on northern hemisphere data the schematic is hemispherically
diagram of the altitude-latitude distribution the annually-averaged zonal-mean
mean age based on observations.
As discussed in the Transient Tracers Section,
a second class of timescales, phase lag times, can be defined from conserved
tracers whose mixing ratios at the tropical tropopause vary periodically.
Measurements of carbon dioxide and total hydrogen have been used to estimate
the phase lag time of an annual cycle. These observations show that the phase
lag time is smaller than the mean age, see plot below. This is consistent with
theory and models: The mean age weights the long tails of the age spectra
heavily, whereas for an annually periodic signal the tail region is averaged
out, and the phase lag time is biased toward the peak in the spectra and is
younger than the mean age. (See Hall and Waugh (1997) for
variation in the tropical stratosphere of phase lag time for an annual cycle
(blue; determined from 4 years of HALOE H2O and CH4measurements)
and mean age (red; from balloon measurements of CO2).
Many modeling studies have exploited the stratospheric age spectrum and mean
age as a transport diagnostic. For example, in the NASA Models and Measurements
II (``MM2") study simulations of the age spectrum and transient tracers
from more than 20 models were compared to each other and to observations. These
intercomparisons are discussed in detail in Hall et al. (1999).
A direct and quantitative comparison of mean age from MM2 models and
observations is shown below: The blue shaded regions represent the ranges of
mean age simulated by a majority of the MM2 models, the blue curves represent
other selected MM2 models, and the red curves and symbols show the observed
mean age. These plots illustrates the large spread in the model mean ages, and
shows the unrealistic features of mean age in many models: (1) most models
underestimate the magnitude of mean age; (2) most models do not reproduce the
steep latitudinal gradients in the subtropical lower stratosphere; (3) several
models exhibit a lower stratospheric Γ maximum at middle and high
latitudes, which is not observed. These model-data differences indicate that
most models have significant inaccuracies in their transport.
of observed (red curves with symbols) and modeled (blue shaded area and curves)
mean age. The shaded region indicates the range of most models in the MM2
study, while the individual curves represent several models falling outside the
range. The symbols represent mean age from observations of CO2 or SF6.
Data and Model Output
available here.
The propagation into the stratosphere of the annually periodic tracer signals
complements mean age as tests of model transport. The plots below shows the
phase lag time and the peak-to-peak amplitude as functions of height in the
tropical stratosphere for the MM2 models as well as the observations. Most MM2
models propagate the annual signal too rapidly in the vertical, and if one
considers the attenuation following a upwelling seasonal impulse over a year
(rather than attenuation over a fixed height range) most MM2 models
over-attenuate the signal.
profiles of (a) amplitude and (b) phase of annual cycles for a range of models
and observations. All amplitudes are normalized to unity and the phase lag
taken as zero at 16 km. The shaded region indicates the range of most models in
the MM2 study, while the individual (thin) lines represent several models
falling outside the range. The heavy solid line represents the analysis of
HALOE H2O [Mote et al., 1998], and the symbols represent analysis of
in situ measurements of CO2 (circles) and H2O
Total Chlorine
Chlorine in the stratosphere, whose sources are primarily CFCs, is the major
agent of ozone destruction, and monitoring the evolution of atmospheric
chlorine in response to international treaties is critical for understanding
ozone depletion and eventual recovery. In the stratosphere chlorine exists in several
chemical forms, and it is difficult to measure them all to obtain ``total
chlorine" Cltot. However, the age spectrum has proved an
effective way to estimate the evolution of total chlorine in the stratosphere
This is illustrated below where the ``stratospheric'' Cltot is shown
for three age spectra with the same mean age (6 years) but differing spectral
width (see insert). For the narrow spectrum there is very little difference
between the time series and that using the mean age to lag the surface time
series. However, for more realistic broader spectra there is significant
non-linearity over the width of the age spectrum and the two time series
differ. In particular, the convolution over the spectrum results in a reduced
peak in stratospheric Cltot and a more gradual turnover than at the
surface or inferred using the mean age as the time lag. Also shown is the Cltot
at 55 km estimated from HALOE HCl, which turns over earlier and decays more
rapidly than expected. The reason for this earlier decay is currently unknown.
See Waugh et al. (2001) for
more discussion.
series of ``stratospheric" total chlorine Cltot assuming
different TTDs with mean age of 6 years but differing width (TTDs are shown in
insert). Also shown are surface Cltot (dotted curve) and Cltot
inferred from HALOE HCl at 55 km (thin curve is monthly and global mean values
and shading represents 1σ variation of the monthly averages).
See Waugh and Hall 2002 for
review paper.
Reference List .
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