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 Alford 2006 Structure in Mamala Bay.pdf1.4M
 Beck 2008 Cycling of trace metals in deep porewaters.pdf610K
 Beck 2008 Spatial and Seaonal Variations in deep porewaters of intertidal flat sediments.pdf1.6M
 Beck 2008 Trace Metal Cycling.pdf610K
 Benthic geochem Review.pdf227K
 Billerbeck 2006 Nutrient recycling in intertidal sandy sediment.pdf877K
 biogeo impact.pdf289K
 Biogeochem cycling sediment.pdf763K
 Cardenas 2007 Interfacial exchange with permeable sediments.pdf1.8M
 Cook 2007 - Benthic solute exchange.pdf2.1M
 de Beer 2005 - Transport and mineralization rates in sandy intertidal sediments.pdf557K
 Dedieu 2007 - Benthic O2 distribution and dynamics in Med lagoon.pdf687K
 Eich 2004.pdf1.1M
 Falter 2000 Hydraulic control of porewater geochemistry.pdf252K
 Franke 2006 - Wave tank study of POM degradation.pdf1.0M
 Grant 1986 Review Flow over bottom boundary layers.pdf2.3M
 Gunther 2008 Fixation methods.pdf679K
 Hazbel 2005 Wave induced flow and transport in permeable beds.pdf1.4M
 Herbert 2007 - Tracer dispersal sandy sediment enhanced physical forcing.pdf659K
 Huettel 1992 - Impact of bioroughness on solute exchange permeable sediments.pdf1.5M
 Huettel 1992b Solute release mech from confined sed cores in stirred benthic chambers.pdf1.1M
 Huettel 1996 Flow induced uptake of particulate organic matter.pdf900K
 Huettel 1998 - Advective transport affecting metal and nutrient distributions.pdf2.2M
 Huettel 2003 hydrodynamic.pdf555K
 Huettel and Rusch 2000 Transport and degradation of phytoplankton in permeable sediment.pdf1.0M
 Hutchinson 1998 Solute uptake due to current-obstacle interactions.pdf1.0M
 Jahnke 2000 Benthic flux of biogenic elements.pdf309K
 Johnson 2008 Iron Isotope fingerprint.pdf624K
 Konovalov 2001.pdf763K
 Konovalov 2006 Processes controlling redox budget for oxic-anoxic.pdf1.3M
 Luther 1995.pdf1.0M
 Luther 1999.pdf 80K
 Luther 2007.pdf268K
 Luther 2008.pdf1.3M
 Ma 2007 fish kill.pdf268K
 marz 2008 fe s interesting.pdf1.3M
 Masselink 2007 Geo and dyn of wave ripples.pdf1.0M
 Meysman 2007 Quantifying biologically and physically induced flow.pdf3.7M
 microelectrodes reime.pdf546K
 Moore 2008 Marine Chemical Technology and Sensors for Marine Waters.pdf272K
 Morrison 1999 Oxygen minimum zone in Arabian Sea.pdf1.7M
 Murray 1988.pdf1.0M
 ORE603.enl 11K
 Pakhomova 2007.pdf961K
 Pham 2008 Oxygenation of Fe II.pdf439K
 Poizot 2008 Sediment trend analysis using granulometric parameters.pdf588K
 Precht 2004 oxygen exchange dynamics in permeable sediments with wave driven porewater exchange.pdf2.2M
 Precht 2004 Rapid wave-driven porewater exchange.pdf533K
 Precht and Huettel 2003 - Surface gravity waves and advective porewater exchange.pdf797K
 Pulse polarography.ppt1.1M
 Rasheed 2003 - Benthic photo and O2 consumption in permeable carbonate sediments.pdf393K
 Reeburgh 1983 Rates biogeochemical process in anoxic sediments.pdf1.6M
 References 09.07.08.txt8.2K
 References.enl 20K
 Reimers 2004 - Solute transport in permeable shelf sands.pdf625K
 Renaud 2006 - seasonal variation benthic oxygen demand.pdf540K
 Roy 2008 - Tide-driven deep pore-water flow in intertidal sand flats.pdf1.1M
 Rusch 2005 - Benthic O2 consumption and organic matter turnover in organic poor permeable sediments.pdf365K
 rusch 2006 Benthic Oxy consumption in permeable shelf sands.pdf365K
 Sakamaki 2006 - Tidal time-scale variation in nutrient flux across SWI.pdf464K
 Sansone 2008.pdf2.9M
 Sediment sorting under standing waves.pdf2.5M
 Shum 1996 Subtidal pump revisited.pdf685K
 Webster 2003 Wave enhancement of diffusivities.pdf188K
 Werner 2006 - mineralization rates and oxy penetration dynamics in coral sediment.pdf1.7M
 Werner 2006 - Spatial and temporal patterns in permeable intertidal sand flat.pdf1.2M
 Wiber 1994 Ripple geometry in wave dominated environments.pdf1.5M
 Ziebis 1996 - Impact of sediment topography on oxy fluxes.pdf1.1M

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