Depth-binned Data from 300 kHz ADCP #2903 on HOME mooring A2 Kevin Bartlett, last modified September 8, 2004. The "depth_binned" directory contains ADCP data binned to actual depths in the water column rather than range to instrument. Yvonne Firing converted range bins to depth using the Matlab routines surffind.m, which found the instrument depth using echoes from the ocean surface, and loadadcp.m, which used linear interpolation to convert the range/velocity relationship to a depth/velocity relationship at fixed depth bins. Where surffind.m was unable to determine the instrument depth using acoustic returns from the ocean surface, pressure data from an adjacent SeaBird instrument (in this case, SBE-37 #1771) was used instead. No use was made of the nominal distance from the ADCP to the SeaBird instrument on the mooring: an offset was added to the SeaBird pressure so that it agreed with the acoustic return depth where acoustic values were available. Yvonne's variables were placed into a structured variable named "adcp". The mapping of variable names to fieldnames of the structured variable is as follows: nu ==> adcp.u nv ==> adcp.v nw ==> adcp.w ntime ==> adcp.time ndep ==> adcp.binDepths ninst_depth ==> adcp.instrumentDepth inst_depth_fill_ind ==> adcp.instrumentDepthFromPressureIndex u, v and w are just the eastward, northward and upward velocities (m/s) measured by the ADCP. The "time" field gives the time associated with each measurement, and is in Matlab time format (see "help datenum" for details). "binDepths" is the depth, in metres, of each value of u, v and w. "instrumentDepth" is the depth (in metres) of the ADCP itself. "instrumentDepthFromPressureIndex" is an index to those points in the vector of instrument depths where acoustic-return depths were not available, and pressure data from an adjacent SeaBird instrument were used instead. ################################################################ 2004-09-07: Added new fields "adcp.SN" for serial number of instrument and "adcp.frequency" for ADCP frequency value. Kevin Bartlett