Kevin Bartlett, Last modified September 8 2004 Ancillary data from 300-kHz ADCP (SN 2903) on mooring A2. Data were extracted from raw data file c2300000.000 using WinADCP and saved to the Matlab file a2_300khz_winadcp_ancillary.mat. The Matlab routine get_ancillary_data.m was then used to read in the data from the ancillary .mat file and save it to a new Matlab data file named a2_300kHz_adcp_2903_ancillary.mat. Ancillary data are saved as fields of a structured variable named "adcp". At the time of data upload, the ADCP's clock was 250 seconds ahead of the ship's clock. This clock drift was corrected in the ancillary data. ################################################################ 2004-09-07: Added new field "adcp.frequency" for ADCP frequency value. Field "adcp.SN" for serial number of instrument replaces existing "adcp.SerialNum". This may cause some scripts to fail, but will be consistent with fieldnames of other ADCP data files. Kevin Bartlett