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[   ]461472a-f1_2.jpg 86K
 Acidification Pacific Byrne 2010.pdf352K
 Adaptation 2010 Miami.pdf239K
 Adaptation 2010 Netherlands.pdf384K
 Adaptation 2010.pdf190K
 Adaptation coastal.pdf303K
 Adjustable adaptation 2009.pdf303K
 AGU climate statement.pdf 42K
 airborne CO2 Knorr 2009.pdf151K
 Alley_2007 ice sheet grounding.pdf215K
 Antarctic east melt Chen 2009.pdf892K
 Antarctic ice loss accelerated 2009.pdf893K
 Antarctica Big Melt.pdf534K
 Arctic sea ice 2010.pdf412K
 Arctic warming Kaufman 2009.pdf533K
 Army Corps Sea Level Rise.pdf457K
 Atolls Growing Kench 2010.pdf1.3M
 Bahr Meier sea level rise glaciers 2009.pdf 90K
 Baker et al 2006 ESR Sea Level.pdf279K
 Blanchon 5e reef 2009.pdf707K
 Bleaching Jokiel 2004 bleaching chapter.pdf294K
 Bleaching Jokiel and Brown 2004 (with errata).pdf509K
 Bleaching Jokiel and Coles 1990 Coral Reefs 8-155-162.pdf1.1M
 Caccamise_2005 SLR in Hawaii from GPS.pdf486K
 Canadell 2007 co2 growth.pdf380K
 Carlson early Holocene ice centers 2008.pdf642K
 Cazenave coastal sea level and altimetry 2009.pdf380K
 Cazenave_2008 Sea level budget since 2003.pdf175K
 Cazenave_2008 Sea level synthesis.pdf591K
 Chao_2008 Water impoundment.pdf628K
 Chowdhury King Tides 2006-2008.pdf867K
 Chu and Chen Rainfall Hawaii 2005.pdf2.7M
 Church_ 2006 Sea level acceleration.pdf348K
 climate adpatation.pdf567K
 Climate review 2008.pdf545K
 climate science holes 2010.pdf1.3M
 Climate seesaw 2009.pdf626K
 CO2 20 million years 2009.pdf689K
 CO2 Principal control 2010.pdf557K
 CO2 role modern warming 2010.pdf100K
 Consensus 2010 Schneider.pdf108K
 coral reefs 350ppm Veron 2009.pdf227K
 Cuffey_2000 LIG Greenland melt.pdf393K
 Death Ocean Acidification 2009.pdf1.0M
 Domingues_2008 Improved estimates of sea level rise.pdf305K
 Dorale 1 stage 5a 2010.pdf228K
 Dorale 2 stage 5a 2010.pdf454K
 Early Holocene sea level monsoon.pdf1.6M
 Earth's Boundaries 2009.pdf740K
 Easterling warming or cooling.pdf250K
 ElNino increasing 2010.pdf374K
 Elsner_2008 Increasing cyclone intensity.pdf232K
 ENSO Collins 2010.pdf465K
 ENSO Global warming.pdf234K
 EOS Climate Record 2010.pdf304K
 EOS_2007 Assessing SLR risks.pdf 91K
 Fletcher ClimateBrief_Hi.pdf 12M
 Fletcher ClimateBrief_Low.pdf1.9M
 Fletcher FSM climate.pdf4.1M
 Fletcher SLR.pdf560K
 Geoengineering 2010.pdf850K
 Giambelluca_2008 Secular temperature changes in Hawaii.pdf312K
 Glacial cycles Sigman 2010.pdf506K
 Global Climate Change Highlights 2009.pdf3.9M
 Greenland Antarctica melt history 2011 Ringot Velicogna.pdf2.2M
 Greenland ice loss acceleration Velicogna 2009.pdf142K
 Greenland ice margin thinning Pritchard 2009.pdf1.6M
 Greenland melting acceleration Bevis 2010.pdf718K
 Greenland record 2010 Tedesco.pdf1.7M
 Greenland seasonal acceleration 2010.pdf696K
 Greenland thinning Holocene 2009.pdf2.2M
 Greenland uplift 2010.pdf2.1M
 Grinsted Jevrejeva 2009 SLR.pdf1.3M
 Groundwater Depletion 2010.pdf607K
 Hansen Global surface Temps 2011.pdf6.1M
 Hansen warming confirmed Science 2005.pdf245K
 Hansen_2007 Sea level rise and reticence.pdf214K
 Hansen_2011 paleoclimate multimeter sea level rise.pdf590K
 Heat waves Dousset 2010.pdf1.2M
 Hock mountain glaciers antarctica 2009.pdf289K
 Hurricanes BENDER_ETAL_2010.pdf283K
 Hurricanes Hawaii Li 2010.pdf1.1M
 Hurricanes KERR_GW_HURR_10.pdf127K
 Interglacial sea level Clark 2010.pdf1.6M
 IPCC scenarios.pdf156K
 Jevrejeva 2010.pdf290K
 Jevrejeva anthro forcing SL 2009.pdf246K
 Jevrejeva anthro SLR 2009.pdf246K
 Jevrejeva_2005 Nonlinear sea level trends.pdf3.9M
 Jevrejeva_2008 Sea level acceleration 200yrs ago.pdf154K
 Kaufman Arctic Warming 2009.pdf533K
 Keenlyside_2008 Global cooling.pdf600K
 Kench & Brander 2006 JGR.pdf1.0M
 Kench et al GEOLOGY 2009.pdf418K
 Kench et al Geomorphology 2008.pdf3.0M
 Kench et al Marine Geology 2009.pdf1.5M
 Kench et al. Geology 2006.pdf516K
 Kench McLean & Nichol GEOLOGY 05.pdf635K
 Key-Scientific-Developments-Since-IPCC-4th-Assessment PEW.pdf306K
 Knutson 2010 hurricanes and climate.pdf822K
 Knutson_2008 Atlantic hurricane risk.pdf420K
 Kopp Interglacial sea level 2009.pdf596K
 Kuffner_2008 Ocean acidification.pdf408K
 Lean and Rind 2009 model temperature.pdf749K
 Lean and Rind 2009 temperature.pdf749K
 Leuliette Closing sea level budget 2004 2007.pdf114K
 Levitus ocean heat 2009.pdf162K
 McLeod Sea Level Rise models.pdf355K
 Medieval warm period Science 2011.pdf1.4M
 Meehl Pacific climate shift.pdf1.8M
 Meehl_2005 Sea level commitment.pdf543K
 Meier_2007 Small glaciers.pdf363K
 Merrifield 2010 Pacificsealevel.pdf1.3M
 Merrifield GSL acceleration 2009.pdf1.4M
 Muhs et al 2002QSRHawaii-Bermuda.pdf1.9M
 News_ 2008 Cooling.pdf146K
 News_2006 Contributions Greenland Antarctica.pdf299K
 News_2006 Science_sealevel.pdf516K
 News_2006 Sea level trends.pdf516K
 News_2007 Arctic sea ice summary.pdf219K
 News_2007 Ice Sheet Stability.pdf329K
 News_2007 West Antarctic ice sheet.pdf503K
 News_2008 1m rise by 2100.pdf241K
 News_2008 Atlantic hurricanes.pdf 84K
 News_2008 Climate variability and cooling.pdf134K
 Next Generation climate models_Moss2010.pdf624K
 Ocean acid Andersson_et_al_2009.pdf2.0M
 Ocean acid Buddemeieretal_LOM_08.pdf1.4M
 Ocean acid Byrne N Pacific 2010.pdf354K
 Ocean acid Jokiel_et_al_Coral_Reefs_2008optimized.pdf490K
 Ocean acid Kuffner_et_al2007NatureGeo.pdf408K
 Ocean acid Review 2011.pdf1.5M
 Ocean acid Ries calcifier response 2010.pdf225K
 Ocean acid station aloha Dore 2010.pdf1.5M
 ocean warming 2009.pdf450K
 Ocean warming 2010.pdf279K
 Ocean warming DEEP Kouketsu 2011.pdf8.9M
 Ocean warming DEEP Song 2011.pdf3.8M
 ocean-acidification-Aug2009 PEW.pdf322K
 Overland_2008 Arctic Antarctic Summary.pdf171K
 Overpeck_2006 LIG sea level model.pdf403K
 Peak Oil 2011.pdf634K
 Pfeffer sea level calving 2008.pdf1.0M
 Pielke_2008 Ipcc comparisons since 2000.pdf117K
 Pielke_2008 Warming since 2000.pdf587K
 Rahmstorf_2007 1m sea level rise.pdf175K
 Rahmstorf_2007 Comments ea level rise.pdf154K
 Rahmstorf_2007 Sea level exceeding model.pdf 78K
 Rahmstorf_2010 Sea level.pdf253K
 Rainfall Warming 2011.pdf468K
 Ramillien_2007 Land water to sea level rise.pdf216K
 Rashed ENSO sealevel 1.pdf964K
 Rashed ENSO sealevel 2.pdf1.1M
 Reef SLR Ogston_Field paper.pdf567K
 Reefs dissolve at double CO2.pdf206K
 Reefs poleward expansion 2011.pdf338K
 Reefs sea level rise Curt 2011.pdf485K
 Rignot and Kanagaratnam 2006.pdf387K
 Rignot Antarctica Greenland 2011.pdf2.2M
 Rignot Greenland Mass Balance.pdf754K
 Rignot_2008 antarctic ice loss.pdf1.0M
 Risk of rising sea level EOS.pdf631K
 Roberts Wang RUNUP 2010.pdf1.9M
 Robinson and Soon_2007 antiglobal warming.pdf5.6M
 Rohling+_520ka_global SL_ngeo557_2009.pdf4.8M
 Rohling_2008 High rates sea level rise Eemian.pdf547K
 Rosenzweig climate impacts 2008.pdf5.8M
 Scientific Consensus Oreskes.pdf 71K
 Sea Grant_2008 SLR policies summary.pdf267K
 Sea Level Adaptationguide.pdf 13M
 Sea level Canadiaen Archipelago melt 2011.pdf680K
 sea level causes milne2009.pdf442K
 Sea Level Cazenave&llovel_annualreviewofmarinescience_2010.pdf3.0M
 Sea Level century scale regional distribution 2011.pdf1.8M
 Sea level change Indian Ocean.pdf2.0M
 Sea level HansenSato 2010.pdf590K
 Sea Level Horton 2008.pdf130K
 Sea level ice melt GRACE 2010.pdf1.1M
 Sea level intergalcial Kopp 2009.pdf596K
 Sea level Merrifield West Pacific 2011.pdf1.9M
 Sea level mountain glaciers Radic 2011.pdf395K
 Sea Level Nicholls et al 2010 Phil Trans.pdf320K
 Sea Level References.docx 17K
 Sea level review Science 2010.pdf2.6M
 Sea level rise Alpine Glaciers 2011 Radic Hock.pdf395K
 Sea level rise Alpine Glaciers 2011.pdf319K
 Sea level rise and coastal disasters NAP.pdf300K
 Sea level rise East Coast.pdf1.0M
 Sea level rise How High2100.pdf322K
 Sea Level Rise models.pdf355K
 Sheperd_2007 Contributions Greenland Antarctica.pdf271K
 Siddal_2003 SLR Red Sea glacial cycle.pdf675K
 Solomon09 irreversible climate change.pdf1.0M
 Song 2011 deep ocean warming.pdf3.8M
 stage 7.pdf1.3M
 Stammer_2008 Meltwater trapped.pdf1.2M
 Steig_2009 antarctic warming.pdf2.0M
 Stream temperature rising.pdf335K
 surf zone circulation 2011.pdf2.4M
 Tedesco_2007 Greenland melting.pdf164K
 The Blue Line(rev).doc383K
 Timmerman SLR.pdf2.2M
 Tipping Points 2010.pdf337K
 Tipping points warming.pdf175K
 US temp range Meehl 2009.pdf657K
 van de Wal_2008 Greenland seasonal meltwater.pdf261K
 van der Shrier_2004 Atlantic sea level variability.pdf915K
 VanVuuren temperature increase scenarios2100.pdf942K
 Vecchi weaker trade winds 2006.pdf782K
 Veechi Soden hurricane warming SST's 2007.pdf1.0M
 Velocity climate change Loarie 2009.pdf681K
 Vermeer Rahmstorf SLR 2009.pdf455K
 Wang ice free arctic 2009.pdf234K
 Westantarctic ice sheet collapse.pdf1.4M
 Westantarctic ice sheet collapse_Editorial.pdf784K
 Wetlands sea level.pdf299K
 When the ice sheet melted Nature.htm 37K
 When the ice sheet melted Nature.txt6.2K
 Wigley_2005 Sea level commitment.pdf320K
 Woodroffe 2008.pdf2.3M

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