Shipboard ADCP Center - How to Submit Data

The NCEI openly accepts shipboard ADCP data for addition to the global database. The NCEI prefers to obtain the data at the sampling rate with which the data were recorded and processed. It is requested that data sets be documented, processed, and calibrated. It is not the responsibility of NCEI to process the raw data. Ancillary parameters, such as transducer temperature and navigation data, should be included. Regardless of whether the data have been processed and calibrated, we would like to know what you have available.

Any well documented format is acceptable. The NCEI will archive the high-frequency data as CODAS binary block files and NetCDF files as well as create an ASCII standard subset of hourly values at 10m depth intervals. Of course, CODAS format is the desired submission format. The CODAS binary block files and software are portable to most workstations and IBM-PC compatible computers. Courtesy of the E.Firing "Currents" Laboratory at the University of Hawai, one may obtain the complete CODAS software and manual , which provides processing, editing, and calibrating of the raw data sets fresh off the ship.

Metadata (information about the data) are vital for the archive. The NCEI provides a guideline (blank form), an example (completed form), specific instructions for completing the form, and a secondary checklist for noting the status of the data set.

Transfer media such as DVDs, CDs are welcome. Also inquire about our incoming FTP area. Please provide sufficient documentation for accessing the media.

Data contributions and requests for further information should be directed to:

Mr. Patrick Caldwell
NCEI Hawaii Liaison Officer
Joint Archive for Shipboard ADCP
Dept. of Oceanography
University of Hawaii, MSB 322
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822

fax: 808-956-4104
office phone: 808-956-4105

Questions or comments: Mr. Patrick Caldwell,

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