(Contribution to the overall cruise report) Shipboard ADCP ----------------- Upper ocean current measurements were made throughout the cruise using the hull-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) system that is permanently installed on the R/V Knorr. The system includes five components: 1) an incoherent (narrow bandwidth, uncoded pulse) 4-beam Doppler sonar operating at 153 kHz (model VM-150 made by RD Instruments), mounted with beams pointing 30 degrees from the vertical and 45 degrees azimuth from the the keel; 2) the ship's main gyro compass, continuously providing ship's heading measurements to the ADCP via a 1:1 synchro; 3) a Global Positioning System (GPS) attitude sensor (Ashtech model 3DF), which uses a 4-antenna array to provide interferometric measurements of ship's pitch, roll, and heading; 4) a GPS navigation receiver (Trimble Tasman) providing position fixes using both GPS frequency bands (L1 and L2) and the P and Y codes (military "Precision Positioning Service", or PPS); 5) an IBM-compatible personal computer running the Data Acquisition Software (DAS) version 2.48 from RD Instruments, augmented by Firing's software interrupt handler ("user exit") program "ue4", C. Flagg's user exit "agcave", and Flagg's TSR watchdog timer program. The ADCP was configured for 16-m pulse length, 8-m processing bin, and a 4-m blanking interval (all distances being projections on the vertical and based on a nominal sound speed of 1470 m/s). The transducer depth was 5 m; 60 velocity measurements were made at 8-m intervals starting 21 m below the surface. About 240 pings were sent in each 5-minute averaging interval. For each ping, velocities relative to the transducer were rotated to a geographical coordinate system using the gyro compass heading, but assuming pitch and roll to be zero. The single-ping velocities were then vector-averaged over the 5-minute ensemble. The ensemble-averaging was done separately for the vertical average from bins 2 through 10 and for the deviation of each bin from this vertical subset; the two parts were then added back together and stored. The conversion from Doppler shift to velocity was done using soundspeed calculated from the temperature measured by a sensor in the transducer, assuming a constant salinity of 35 psu. When a velocity estimate in one of the four beams was missing, velocity was calculated from the remaining three beams. In regions of shallow water, the ADCP was configured to track the bottom with one bottom-tracking ping for each water-tracking ping. This was effective to depths of 600 m or more. From the time the ship left Woods Hole to the last station of the present cruise, approximately 100 hours of underway bottom tracking data were collected. This is significant for the calibration calculations discussed below. The user exit program integrated the GPS position and attitude information into the ADCP data stream. Position fixes were recorded at the start and end of each ADCP averaging interval (5-minute ensemble). Attitude from the 3DF was sampled at each ping and edited within each ensemble. The mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum values of pitch, roll, and compass heading error were calculated and recorded. The compass error is the quantity of primary interest: for each ping, the compass reading used by the ADCP was subtracted from the most recent 3DF heading (updated once per second), and this difference was taken as the time-variable compass error plus some constant misalignment of the 3DF antenna array. The 3DF attitude information was not used for the real-time vector-averaging of velocity because it is not quite reliable enough; dropouts and outliers do occur. Velocity, position, and attitude measurements were post-processed using the University of Hawaii CODAS software package, generally as described by Firing in WHP Office Report WHPO 91-1, WOCE report 68/91. The essential modification since then is the rotation of the velocity measurements relative to the ship to correct for the gyro compass error as measured by the 3DF. After this correction, and a small but varying sound speed correction (not yet made at the time of this writing), standard water and bottom tracking calibration methods (Joyce, 1989; Pollard and Read, 1989) should yield two constants: a velocity scale factor, and a horizontal angular offset between the transducer and the 3DF antenna array. The angular offset is particularly important; an error of 0.1 degree leads to a cross-track bias of 1 cm/s for a ship speed of 11 kts. For the onboard data processing, these calibration factors were calculated based on bottom tracking from the transit from Woods Hole prior to the cruise and the transits to and from Cork. Water track calibration calculations based on the entire cruise (all stations--water track calibration requires ship accelerations, such as stops for stations) indicate an overall error of only 0.05 degree relative to the preliminary calibration. At present this small correction has not been applied. Closer inspection of all available calibration information indicates that the "constant" factors are measurably not constant. The angle offset factor may vary within a range of up to plus or minus 0.2 degrees. A possible cause is under investigation; it is not clear whether it will be possible to reduce this uncertainty in the present or future data sets. The quality of the shipboard ADCP data set from this cruise is exceptionally good. No instrument problems were detected; weather was mostly good and never very bad; there was an abundance of acoustic targets on the entire cruise track. The depth range was typically 400 m or more, sometimes a full 500 m, and only occasionally less than 300 m. There were no known compass failures and no long dropouts of 3DF data. The upper ocean velocity field during the cruise is summarized in a map of shipboard ADCP velocity vectors averaged from 100 to 300 m (Figure ??); vertical shear was weak on most of the cruise track, so this layer average is representative. The overall impression is of weak currents--usually under 50 cm/s, and mostly in the form of ubiquitous small-scale squirts and eddies. The contribution from tides and near-inertial motions has not yet been estimated quantitatively, but I believe it is a small part of what we see in Figure ??. The East Greenland Current stands out as a narrow jet flowing southwestward along the Greenland coast, particularly off Cape Farewell. On the northern crossing, however, it appears to have been highly convergent in the cross-track direction. The eddy field was relatively strong in the Rockall Trough and in the Iceland and Irminger basins on the section from Scotland to Greenland. Currents were mostly weak on the section from the Azores to Ireland on leg 1, and between the subpolar front (about 50 N) and the East Greenland Current on leg 4. At and south of the subpolar front the currents are stronger, but much of the pattern is not easy to interpret. There seem to be four main zones of eastward flow north of 40 N, some of them very narrow. There is a major southward component in the subpolar front and at other spots between there and the Azores. Lowered ADCP ------------- To measure velocity throughout the water column at each station, a self-contained ADCP was mounted on the rosette; this is referred to as the lowered ADCP (LADCP). The LADCP includes a magnetic compass and a tilt sensor, so the velocity profiles can be rotated into the local east-north-up coordinate system. Because the motion of the rosette over the ground is not measured, the LADCP measurements of current relative to the instrument cannot be used directly to infer the current over the ground. Instead, the single-ping velocity profiles are differentiated vertically to remove the package motion (which changes only slightly between the time a ping is tranmitted and the time the backscattered return is received). The vertical shear estimates from all pings are then interpolated and averaged on a single uniform depth grid covering the whole water column. This full-depth shear profile is integrated vertically to yield a velocity profile with an unknown constant of integration; and the constant is calculated from the known displacement of the instrument between beginning and end of the cast, together with the shape of the relative velocity profile and the measured current past the instrument as a function of time during the cast. The method is explained in detail by Fischer and Visbeck (1993). The instrument used on this cruise was a new 150-kHz coded-pulse ("Broadband") profiler made by RD Instruments (a specially modified Phase-III DR-BBADCP), with four beams angled 30 degrees from the vertical. All but four of the 154 profiles were made with the following instrument parameters: blanking interval, pulse length, and processing bin length were all set to 16 m (projected on the vertical). Sixteen depth bins were recorded. Pings were transmitted alternately at 1 and 1.5 or 1.6 second intervals. Data from each ping was recorded individually, with no averaging. Ambiguity resolution mode 1 (no automatic resolution) was used, with an ambiguity interval of either 3 m/s or 3.6 m/s--the smaller value was used when weather was exceptionally calm. Medium bandwidth was selected. Three-beam velocity solutions were not used, and solutions with an error velocity exceeding 15 cm/s were rejected. Bin-mapping based on tilt was selected. Immediately after each station the data were dumped from the LADCP to a PC via a serial line (RS-422), and transferred to a Sun workstation for archiving and processing. The profile was processed using the University of Hawaii system, a mixture of C, Matlab, and Perl programs. Velocity and shear data are automatically edited based on several criteria including correlation magnitude (typically 70-count minimum), error velocity (10 cm/s maximum), deviation of vertical velocity in a given bin from its vertical average (5 cm/s maximum), and deviation of individual shear estimates from a mean shear profile (3.5 standard deviations). These parameters are subject to change in later processing, but the values quoted seemed reasonable and adequate for the present data set. Additional editing is done on the upcast: the top two depth bins are rejected if the current, profiler vertical velocity, and profiler orientation are such that one beam may be intersecting the profiler's wake. Depth bins subject to contamination from the sidelobe return from the bottom, or from the return of the previous ping from the bottom, are also automatically rejected. Critical to this part of the editing is accurate knowledge of the depth of the bottom and the depth of the profiler. Therefore we have an automated routine for matching the time series of vertical velocity measured by the LADCP with the time series of vertical velocity calculated from the CTD pressure record, and then assigning the corresponding CTD-derived depths to the LADCP. With these instrument depths in the LADCP database, another program scans the LADCP backscatter amplitude profiles in the near-bottom region; the LADCP depth plus the vertical range to the amplitude maximum is the bottom depth. With a high quality and continuous CTD time series available from ODF immediately after each cast, we were able to complete the LADCP processing about 20 minutes after the end of the data transfer. Accurate position fixes at the start and end of the LADCP profile are essential to the calculation of absolute velocities. We log the PPS GPS fixes at the full 1 Hz sampling rate. The processing software accesses these files and extracts the subsets needed for each profile. Magnetic variation is needed to calculate true direction from the compass readings; we calculate the variation from a standard model of the earth's magnetic field. To date we have not, however, performed any calibration of the compass in the instrument, but have taken the compass headings at face value. As with the shipboard ADCP, and for the same reasons, the LADCP quality on this cruise is excellent. Package motion was moderate and scattering levels were good, particularly at the higher latitudes. The only instrument problem was a bizarre incident early in the cruise: at stations 2 and 3 the program usually used to communicate with the LADCP (BBSC) gradually ceased working with it. (It turns out that a similar problem was encountered by Doug Wilson at about the same time. As of this writing, no one understands what happened, given that both failures occurred with profiler/PC/program combinations that had been working normally.) A simpler alternative program (BBTALK) was completely unaffected, and was used for the remainder of the cruise. In the scramble to switch to BBTALK for station 4, the setup commands were entered by hand and something seems not to have been right--the profiler returned garbage during about the first third of the cast, then inexplicably started recording normal-looking profiles. The result is that profile 4 is incomplete at best, and probably will be neglected henceforth. A map of LADCP current vectors averaged over the full depth range of the profile (Figure ??) shows some characteristics of the currents as observed on this cruise. As in the shipboard ADCP data, the East Greenland Current stands out as a prominent feature amid the welter of eddies. The barotropic component of the eddy field is weakest on the Azores-Ireland section and strongest on the Scotland-Greenland section, where vertically averaged velocities of 10 cm/s or more are common. The eddy field is not well resolved by the station spacing; the velocity profiles typically change radically from one station to the next. The tidal fraction of the velocity field measured by the LADCP has not yet been estimated, but is not expected to dominate the observations in any of the more energetic regions. References ---------- Fischer, J., and M. Visbeck, 1993. Deep velocity profiling with self-contained ADCPs. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 10, 764-773. Joyce, T. M., 1989. On in situ "calibration" of shipboard ADCPs. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 6, 169-172. Pollard, R., and J. Read, 1989. A method for calibrating shipmounted Acoustic Doppler Profilers, and the limitations of gyro compasses. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 6, 859-865