HOT-245 Optics Dan Sadler 8/16/12 Hyperpro Casts Position: Kahe Cast 1 - Depth = 176m Cast 2 - Depth = 156m Cast 3 - Depth = 165m 1412 Charging DH4 and FRRF DH4 batteries charged to 12.96V and 12.96V 8/17/12 Hyperpro Casts Position: Aloha Cast 1: 192m Cast 2: 196m Cast 3: Not conducted. After 1400 and behind schedule 8/18/12 0500 aC9 Calibration, Cleaned Windows Air Water C488 0.429 0.142 a555 0.068 0.140 c650 0.150 0.154 a488 0.107 0.151 c555 0.375 0.152 a676 -0.252 0.134 Temp = 24.9 + 0.4 = 25.3C files: ac9_081812air ac9_081812_25_3 acs CAlibration Air Air Water Before After Clean Clean a661 -0.390 -0.390 0.000 a570 -0.104 -0.107 0.003 a480 -0.060 -0.063 0.003 c660 -0.132 -0.095 0.007 c569 0.180 0.219 0.004 c480 0.248 0.288 0.001 Temp = 25.0 + 0.4 = 25.4C files: acs_081812_before_clean.dat acs_081812_air.dat acs_081812_25_4.dat 0830 FL3 Calibration file h245cal1.raw 0845 LISST Connected battery. Bolts had corrosion. Brushed off corrosion and applied anti-sieze. Checked DH4 comms - OK. Directory empty. Checked FRRF comms - OK. Formatted Flash drive. Voltage=14.63V 0950 LISST Calibration BAttery = 7.49V. Files: h245cal1.asc, h245cal2.asc Current Laser = 1352 Factory Laser = 1484 8/19/12 acs/ac9/frrf/lisst/eco3 night cast 22d 44.976s N 158d0.012s W Clouds - dark Swell - 2-3' Wind - 15 kts ENE Cast 1. acs filters on IN: 0307 Down: 0314 Up: 0334 Out: 0355 Cast 2. ac9 filters on IN: 0359 Down: 0407 Up: 0427 Out: 0459 Rinsed optics cage. Charger on DH4 and FRRF LISST Download then put to sleep. L2320302.dat, L230355.dat Put to sleep Installed drivers for VANTEC usb-serial converter on new laptop. On back left side usb connector. COM5. Works with LISST comms and file transfer. Works with FRRF. FRRF serial cable problematic, should replace. DH4 stalled out on file download with VANTEC. Downloaded DH4 files on serial port. Hyperpro Casts Position: 22d 43.885s N, 158d 01.898s W Cast 1: 196m Cast 2: 194.37m Cast 3: 194.37m Looks like pressure sensor maxing out. Should get rated depth for hyperpro. acs/ac9/frrf/lisst/eco3 day cast 22d 43.885s N 158d 1.897s W Clouds - 10% Swell - 2-4' Wind - 15 kts E Cast 1. acs filters on IN: 1352 Down: 1357 Up: 1417 Out: 1439 Cast 2. ac9 filters on IN: 1432 Down: Up: Out: 1445 Licor turned on. Had forgotten to turn on at beginning of cruise. LISST Download L2321344.dat, L2321438.dat. Disconnected Battery. Cleaned acs and ac9 windows. Charging DH4 and FRRF Download DH4 via serial port. Files run002, run003 Download FRRF. Couldn't do it with new computer. Used old laptop. Recommend trying another Comm program such as Teraterm. Files: h245pro1, h245pro2, h245pro3, h245pro4