HOT-243 Optics Readme File by: Benedetto Barone 6/4/12 - 6/21/12 Pre-cruise preparation at C-MORE -LISST 1285: problems with pressure sensor. Run water into pressure cavity to dissolve salt. The pressure decreased slowly from ~200 m to ~4 m (6/21/12). -ACS malfunctioned in the last cruises. Tested in the lab and stopped logging reporting an error "connection timed out", after 33, 77 and 31 minutes in three separate tests. A later test showed what according to the Wetlabs technician is a block in the internal wheel. Instrument sent to the manufacturer. -LISST 1421: sent by OSU to replace 1285 till the pressure sensor is again reliable. 6/22/12 Pre cruise preparation at HOTSPOT -Mounted 2 LISST sensor in the cage (the second in the space left by the ACS) -Adjusted position of LICOR sensor to have a better vertical orientation -AC9 air calibration: AC9_062212_air.dat -AC9 water calibration: AC9_062212_28_7.dat air water c412 0.501 0.097 c488 0.362 0.058 c555 0.304 0.063 c715 -0.510 0.068 a412 0.450 0.137 a488 0.030 0.033 a555 -0.210 0.027 a715 -0.870 0.018 6/26/12 -BATTERY PACKS: charged, 13.09 & 13.04 V -FRRF: charged, formatted memory, reset time, 14.57 V -DH4: set port 1 off, reset time, cleared memory -LISST 1421: reset time, set fix sampling rate 1 sec, average over 10 measur., 8.28 V -LISST 1421: software warning: "The instrument not found in the instrument database". Warning ignored because everything seems to work. -LISST 1421 calibration: h243_L1421_062612.asc -LISST 1285: reset time, changed battery (new is 8.92 V) -LISST 1285: fallen on the ground from upright position. Likely the optic alignment is lost. -LISST 1285 calibration: h243_L1285_062612.asc impossible to obtain a good calibration, laser power 7 out of ~1400. -ECO3: reset time -ECO3 dark counts: h243cal1.raw 6/27/12 -AC9 air calibration: AC9_062712_air.dat -AC9 water calibration: AC9_062612_24_9.dat air water c412 0.558 0.099 c488 0.400 0.064 c555 0.340 0.066 c715 -0.479 0.069 a412 0.150 0.155 a488 -0.008 0.036 a555 -0.041 0.026 a715 -0.900 0.024 6/28/12 AC9/FRRF/LISST 1285/LISST 1421/ECO3 cast: - in:0340, down:0345, up:0405, out:0426 (filters on AC9) - in:0433, down:0440, up:0459, out:0520 (no filters on AC9) - depth : ~ 190m (probably shallower due to wire angle) - rate : 10 m/min down/up - weather : night, 19 knots winds ENE - location : 22° 45.118' N, 157° 58.880' W -All lights blinking at the end of the 2 casts -BATTERY PACKS: charged -FRRF: downloaded files, formatted memory AC9/FRRF/LISST 1285/LISST 1421/ECO3 cast: - in:1310, down:1316, up:1335, out:1355 (filters on AC9) - in:1404, down:1410, up:1429, out:1450 (no filters on AC9) - depth : ~ 190m (probably shallower due to wire angle) - rate : 10 m/min down/up - weather : 20% clouds , 15 knots winds, 5' swells - location : 22° 45.863' N, 157° 55.838' W -All lights blinking at the end of the 2 casts -BATTERY PACKS: charged -LISST 1285&1421: cleared windows, disconnected battery -AC9: cleared windows and flow tubes -FRRF: downloaded data, formatted memory, charged battery -FRRF downloaded files: pro1h243.dat pro2h243.dat pro3h243.dat pro4h243.dat -DH4 downloaded files: run.000 run.001 run.002 run.003 -LISST 1285 downloaded files: L1800334.dat L1800429.dat L1801306.dat L1801401.dat -LISST 1421 downloaded files: L1800335.dat L1800429.dat WARNING: same filenames for the 2 LISST sensors L1801306.dat WARNING: same filenames for the 2 LISST sensors L1801401.dat WARNING: same filenames for the 2 LISST sensors