Notes on Oceanic Institute data, MB-9 component Filename Convention spreadsheet filenames are coded by station number, type of data, and month and year of cruise. example: (station #) (chlorophyll data) (may) (1994) 02chl054.wk1 = 02 chl 05 4 station #'s run 1 to 17, plus an additional 18 & 19 for the December 1993 cruise only. data types are vertical profiles of: CTD = salinity, temperature, % transmission, sound velocity CHL = calculated chlorophyll values from in vivo fluorometry. A regression between concurrent discrete water samples and fluorometric values for each cruise was used. NFP = upwelling natural fluorescence, incident PAR, underwater PAR Salinity data has uncorrected and corrected values. The uncorrected values are direct readout from the CTD which was factory calibrated immediately prior to the first cruise. The corrected values are calibrated to the lab salinometer (type=) which uses continuous Copenhagen water as a standard. six cruises: 123 = December 1993 084 = August 1994 024 = February 1994 094 = Septembet 1994 054 = May 1994 124 = December 1994 Horizontal Transects filenames start with "h". example: hctd084.wk1 NFP k calculation are not corrected for variation in incident radiation. This needs to be taken into account by the user. no data are presented for the inshore stations, 20m or less = Stations 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13 due to the bottom reflection. Fluorometry in vivo fluorescence data not taken in the December 1993 cruise. Data is available for the rest of cruises (Feb 94 - Dec 94). Task Methodology Six hydrographic cruises were performed between December 1993 and December 1994. Cruises consisted of horizontal transects approximately along the 60 m depth contour between Diamond Head and Barbers Point and vertical profiles at stations generally located at depths of 20, 60 and 120 m. Typical horizontal transect tracks and the locations of the vertical profile stations are shown in Figure 3.1. Hydrographic profiles of temperature, salinity and beam transmissometry to a maximum depth of 100 m were conducted with an Applied Microsystems CTD12 system fitted with a 25 cm beam transmissometer (CTTD). The CTTD was fitted with internal RAM and operated in a stand-alone mode. The CTTD was programmed to record data at two second intervals for all vertical profiles, and data was downloaded to a portable computer at the completion of each cast. Vertical profiles of in vivo fluorescence were performed to a maximum depth of 60 m with a submersible pump system. The system consisted of a 110V ac submersible pool pump, portable generator, 60 m of 3/4" ID opaque plastic hose, and assorted fittings. The flow from the pump went to a Turner Designs Model 10 digital fluorometer interfaced to a portable computer. The fluorometer recorded a data point every two seconds. The depth associated with each fluorometer data point was estimated from the volume flow, the volume of the pump and hose, and careful recording of the times of deployment, arrival at depth, retrieval, etc. Chlorophyll a values were calculated from a linear regression between paired extracted chlorophyll a and in vivo fluorescence samples. Horizontal transects for temperature, salinity, beam transmissometry and in vivo fluorescence were performed with the Applied Microsystems CTTD and the Turner fluorometer. The CTTD was fitted with flow through cells which enabled the collection of temperature, salinity and transmission while on deck. The pump was positioned approximately 20 m behind the boat at a depth of 2 - 3 m. Flow was split and directed to the CTTD and fluorometer. Data were collected at ten second intervals on portable computers. Vertical profiles of natural (solar induced) fluorescence were made to a maximum depth of 100 m with a Biospherical Instruments PNF300 profiling natural fluorometer. This system, which measures surface irradiance (PAR), subsurface irradiance, upwelling natural fluorescence and temperature provided profiles of these parameters, as well as calculating extinction coefficient, chlorophyll and productivity (Chamberlin et al, 1990). Horizontal transects and vertical profiles of phytoplankton physiological conditions were performed in December 1994 with a prototype fast repetition rate fluorometer (FRRF) (Greene et al, 1994). The FRRF was set up in parallel with the Turner fluorometer on the submersible pump system, and collected data at five second intervals. Changes in fluorescence measured by the FRRF provide an estimate of the physiological state of the phytoplankton and phytoplankton productivity rates. Water samples for analysis of chemical and biological parameters were collected by Niskin bottle during the December 1993 cruise and with the submersible pump system for all subsequent cruises. Samples were collected into polyethylene bottles and chilled in ice until analyzed in the lab. Samples were split, with one fraction filtered onto Nuclepore membrane filters for analysis of extracted chlorophyll, and a second fraction filtered onto tared GF/F glass microfibre filters for determination of total suspended solids. The other fraction was analyzed (unfiltered) for dissolved nutrients (nitrate + nitrite, ammonium, total nitrogen, phosphate, total phosphorus and silicate) and turbidity. All analyses were performed utilizing accepted oceanographic techniques for low concentration samples (Table 1). Table 1. Methodologies for water quality analyses performed during surveys for the Mamala Bay study. Water Quality Parameter Collection and Analysis Method Salinity Laboratory salinometer Water Samples: 5-liter Niskin bottles or pump system Technicon AutoAnalyzer II; Total nitrogen D'Elia et al., 1977 NH4 Solorzano, 1969 NO3/NO2 Technicon Inc., 1977 Total phosphorus Grasshoff et al., 1983 Phosphate Murphy and Riley, 1962 Silicate Strickland and Parsons, 1972 Chlorophyll Turner Designs fluorometer; Strickland and Parsons, 1972 Turbidity Turner Designs nephalometer; APHA Standard Methods, 1992 Suspended Solids Filtration, Cahn electrobalance APHA Standard Methods, 1992