@07@As of this writing (5/94), we have @0E@Geographical Information Systems (GIS)@07@ data from the State Office of Planning, Hawaii, available for downloads. @0F@ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º@07@ @0B@Begin Update: 8/94 @07@ @0F@º º@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ Land use and detailed coast line data@0F@ @0E@for Oahu are also available in@07@ @0F@ @07@ @0F@º º@0E@ DXF format for downloading. The coast line data is also available in@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ longitude, latitude and in UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator Grid)@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ units (in@0B@ @0E@ASCII text format). See following table for more detail.@07@ @0F@º º@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ File Name@07@ @0E@ Description@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ @07@ @0F@º º@0E@ COVERS.ZIP @07@ @0E@Combination of 4 GIS files (2COASTLN.ZIP, 8FEDLANS.ZIP,@07@ @0F@º º@07@ @0E@9HILANDS.ZIP, and 10LNDUSE.ZIP) converted to DXF file@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ format. See below udate box for more information on the@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ four files.@07@ @0F@º º@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ OAHU_DXF.ZIP Detailed coast line data of Oahu in DXF format.@07@ @0F@º º@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ OAHU_LL.ZIP Detailed coast line data of Oahu in longitute, latitude@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ units. The file is in ASCII text format.@07@ @0F@º º@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ OAHU_UTM.ZIP Detailed coast line data of Oahu in Universal Transverse@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ Mercator Grid (UTM) units. The file is in ASCII text@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ format.@07@ @0F@º º@07@ @0F@º º@0E@ @0B@End Update: 8/94@07@ @0F@º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ @07@The data are in @0E@PC Arc/Info@07@ format and by request, can be converted to other frequently used formats including ATLAS and DXF for distribution. The coverages we currently have are listed below followed by the @0A@file name@07@ in parenthesis. @0A@1@07@. Generalized coastal outline for all islands in the state of Hawaii (@0A@1ALLISLE.ZIP@07@). @0A@2@07@. Detailed coast line (line and polygon covers) for Oahu (@0A@2COASTLN.ZIP@07@). @0A@3@07@. Coastal place names from U of H "Reference Maps of Hawaii." (@0A@3C_NAMES.ZIP@07@). @0A@4@07@. Coastal resource data from 1981 "Oahu Coastal Zone Atlas." (@0A@4C_RSRCS.ZIP@07@). @0A@5@07@. Generalized isohyets of median rainfall from DOWALD's mylar maps (@0A@5RAINDAT.ZIP@07@). @0A@6@07@. One hundred foot contour lines for Oahu (@0A@6CONTOUR.ZIP@07@). @0A@7@07@. Perennial stream assessment data from 1983 USGS DLG files (@0A@7STREAMS.ZIP@07@). @0A@8@07@. Federal lands as identified in 1976 USGS digital GIRAS files (@0A@8FEDLAND.ZIP@07@). @0A@9@07@. State and Hawaiian Home land holdings as identified in 1976 USGS digital GIRAS files (@0A@9HILANDS.ZIP@07@) @0A@10@07@. Land use cover taken from State Land Use Commission's Land Use Maps. Current as of March 1991 (@0A@10LNDUSE.ZIP@07@). If you have any questions, please do not hesitat to call us or leave a message on the BBS for John Scott (415-789-9242).