@8C@Updated 8/95 @0C@The set of hourly influent flow for the Honouliuli Wastewater Treatment Plant has been updated to include data through 3/31/95. The data set for the Sand Island WWTP now includes data through 5/31/95. End 8/95 update ============================================================================== @8A@Updated 4/95 @0A@ IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING HOURLY FLOW DATA FOR THE HONOULIULI WWTP Files of hourly flow data for the Honouliuli facility previously available in this file area contained fields incorrectly labeled "effluent flow"; EFFLUENT FLOW DATA FOR THE HONOULIULI FACILITY DOES NOT EXIST. The mislabeled files have been replaced with files containing only influent flow fields. According to the DPW, City and County of Honolulu, influent flow can be used as an estimate of effluent flow. New data in this file area The set of hourly influent flow data for the Honouliuli WWTP (see above) and hourly influent and effluent flow data for the Sand Island WWTP now includes data through 12/31/94. End 4/95 update ============================================================================== @0E@In this file area: @0B@Updated 1/95: new information on Sand Island and Honouliuli WWTP influent and effluent data. Updated information will be in BLUE TEXT.) @0E@Data files from Department of Public Works (DPW), City any County of Honolulu, Water Quality Branch are stored. Overall description of the File Area and the file descriptions are included in this file. Data from DPW consist of water quality and other measurements made during their water quality sampling events conducted per their NPDES permits for Sand Island and Honouliuli Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP). All files are in Lotus 1-2-3 (WK1) or ASCII formats. @0B@As of 1/95, hourly influent and effluent data for both the Sand Island and Honouliuli WWTP are available. The data for the Sand Island WWTP covers 7/92 through 9/94; the data for the Honouliuli WWTP covers 1/94 to 9/94. @8B@However, since there are gaps in this data, caution must be used when using it.@0B@ Please read the header information in the files for location of the@8B@ @0B@gaps in the data. This data is available in both Lotus 1-2-3 (WK1) and ASCII delimited formats. @0E@By request,@0B@ @0E@the files can be converted to other desired formats. Contact person at DPW is Mr. Ross Tanimoto. Phone: 808-527-6754 FAX: 808-523-4642 It will also be very helpful in interpreting the data in this file area if you have copies of the NPDES permits for the two WWTPs. If you would like to obtain copies of the NPDES permits, please give call John Scott at Garcia and Associates (415-789-9242) or leave e-mail on the BBS system. The data sets are categorized into four types: 1. Bacteria data - collected from receiving water stations in Mamala Bay per NPDES permits. 2. CTD data - collected conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) meter data from some of the sites described in the NPDES permits. 3. Discharge data - monthly average discharge data from both WWTPs. 4. Water quality data - basic water quality data from sampling sites described in the NPDES sites. Parameters inculudes the following: density, temperature, salinity, oxygen, nitrate, ammonia, Nitrogen and a few others. @0B@5. Hourly flow data - hourly influent and effluent flow data for both WWTPs. @0E@The station identification codes in the data file are explained in separate files call @8A@SI_STNS.TXT@0E@ and @8A@BP_STNS.TXT@0E@ and must be downloaded along with the data files in order to determine the station names and locations. Bacteria data set contains the most extensive amount of data. If requested by investigators, this data set can be converted in a database format so that customized retrieval can be performed while on-line on the BBS through the "DOOR". The following list describes the file names and descriptions of what the files contain. @0A@File Name @0E@ File Description @0A@0DPWINFO.TXT @0E@ This file you are currently reading. @0A@BP_STNS.TXT @0E@ Text file containg sampling station identification, description and locations per Honouliuli NPDES permit. @0A@HONBAC_N.ZIP @0E@ Bacteria data files collected from "near shore stations" per Honouliuli NPDES permit. @0A@HONBAC_O.ZIP @0E@ Bacteria data files collected from "off shore stations" per Honouliuli NPDES permit. @0A@HONBAC_S.ZIP @0E@ Bacteria data files collected from "shoreline stations" per Honouliuli NPDES permit. @0A@HON_CTD.ZIP @0E@ CTD data collected per Honouliuli NPDES permit. Contains 51 files. @0A@HON_FLOW.ZIP @0E@ Monthly average discharge data for Honouliuli Waste Water Treatment Plant. Contains 6 files covering 1988 through 1993. @0A@HON_H2OQ.ZIP @0E@ Water quality monitoring data per Honouliuli NPDES permit. @0B@HOQ95TXT.ZIP Hourly influent flow data for the Honouliluli WWTP for the period 1/1/95-3/31/95 in ASCII delimited format. HOQ95WK1.ZIP Hourly influent flow data for the Honouliluli WWTP for the period 1/1/95-3/31/95 in Lotus 1-2-3 (WK1) format. HOQ_TXT.ZIP Hourly influent and effluent data from the Honouliuli WWTP. Contains 1 file covering 1/94 to 12/94. Data is in ASCII de- limited format. HOQ_WK1.ZIP Hourly influent and effluent data from the Honouliuli WWTP. Contains 2 files covering 1/94 to 12/94. Data is in Lotus 1-2-3 (WK1) format. @0A@SIBAC_N.ZIP @0E@ Bacteria data files collected from "near shore stations" per @0A@ @0E@ Sand Island NPDES permit. @0A@SIBAC_O.ZIP @0E@ Bacteria data files collected from "off shore stations" per @0A@ @0E@ Sand Island NPDES permit. @0A@SIBAC_S.ZIP @0E@ Bacteria data files collected from "shoreline stations" per @0A@ @0E@ Sand Island NPDES permit. @0B@SIQ95TXT.ZIP Hourly influent and effluent data from the Sand Island WWTP for the period 1/1/95-5/31/95 in ASCII delimited format. SIQ95WK1.ZIP Hourly influent and effluent data from the Sand Island WWTP for the period 1/1/95-5/31/95 in Lotus 1-2-3 format. SIQ_TXT.ZIP Hourly influent and effluent data from the Sand Island WWTP. Contains 1 file covering 7/92 to 9/94. Data is in ASCII de- limited format. SIQ_WK1.ZIP Hourly influent and effluent data from the Sand Island WWTP. Contains 3 files covering 7/92 to 9/94. Data is in Lotus 1-2-3 (WK1) format. @0A@SI_CTD.ZIP @0E@ CTD data collected per Sand Island NPDES permit. Contains 45 @0A@ @0E@ files. @0A@SI_FLOW.ZIP @0E@ Monthly average discharge data for Sand Island Waste Water @0A@ @0E@ Treatment Plant. Contains 8 files covering 1986 through 1993. @0A@SI_H2OQ.ZIP @0E@ Water quality monitoring data per Sand Island NPDES permit. @0A@SI_STNS.TXT @0E@ Text file containg sampling station identification, description and locations per Sand Island NPDES permit.