@07@This is an information file for the File Area "Receiving WQ Data from STORET" Compressed version of this file (00DESCRP.ZIP) is available for downloading in this file area. About This File Area --------------------- Currently, there are 39 receiving water quality files in this file area. All files are in ASCII delimited format. All data presented in this file area were downloaded from STORET (STOrage and RETrieval) database, maintained by EPA. =============================================================================== @8A@BEGIN UPDATE NOTE: 7/94 @07@ FIFTEEN FILES IN THIS FILE AREA HAVE BEEN UPDATED TO INCLUDE WATER QUALITY DATA THROUGH END OF 1993. THE FOLLOWING LISTS THE NE FILES NAMES: CHL32209.ZIP CHLOROPHYLL A (ug/l), FLUOROMETRIC CORRECTED DO-00300.ZIP OXYGEN, DISSOLVED (mg/l) ENT31639.ZIP ENTEROCOCCI, GROUP D, MF TRANS, M-E, EIA (#/100ml) FEC31616.ZIP FECAL COLIFORM, MEMBRANE FILTER, M-FC BROTH, 44.5 C(#/100ml) H2O00010.ZIP WATER TEMPERATURE (Deg. C) KJL00625.ZIP NITROGEN, KJELDAHL, TOTAL (mg/l as N) NO#00063.ZIP NITRITE PLUS NITRATE, TOT 1 DET. (mg/l as N) P-O70507.ZIP PHOSPHORUS, IN TOTAL ORTHOPHOSPHATE (mg/l as P) PH-00400.ZIP pH (STANDARD UNITS) P-T00665.ZIP PHOSPHORUS, TOTAL (mg/l as P) RES00530.ZIP RESIDUE, TOTAL NON-FILTERABLE (mg/l) SAL00480.ZIP SALINITY - (Parts per thousand) SEC00078.ZIP TRANSPARENCY, SECCHI DISK (m) TON00600.ZIP NITROGEN, TOTAL (mg/l as N) TUR82079.ZIP TURBIDITY, LAB NEPHELOMETRIC TURBIDITY UNITS, NTU THE FILES CONTAIN SAME DATA AS LAST YEAR'S DATA WITH NEW DATA APPENDED AT END OF EACH STATION IF NEW DATA EXIST. @8A@END UPDATE NOTE: 7/94 @07@=============================================================================== Source of Data --------------- Files listed in this file area consist of water quality data stored on STORET by State of Hawaii's Department of Health (DOH). STORET is a computerized utility maintained for the storage and retrieval of data pertaining to the quality of water within the U.S. Since its inception, the original database has evolved into a comprehensive system. It is capable of performing a broad range of analyses, while continuing to serve in its original role as a data repository for EPA, other federal agencies, state local governments, universities, interstate commissions, Canadian agencies, and U.S. Territories. These organizations participate in the collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis of water quality data. Over 40 states, as well as many other organization, have direct access to STORET for both storage and retrieval, thereby contributing to the timeliness of STORET's data. DOH maintains numerous sampling stations throughout state of Hawaii. This file area consists only of water quality data retrievals for the geographical range of island of Oahu. File Information ----------------- All files are compressed to a "ZIP" format to reduce download time. The compression utility (PKZIP and PKUNZIP) can be downloaded from the "Utilities" File Area. The file names bear the numeric code designated by STORET for that particular parameter. You would need to refer to bottom of this document for the file name descriptions. All files (except 02S0078) are delimited in the following format: Station #, date, time, data, remark, depth (ft) File 02S0078 (Secchi disk) is delimited in the following format: Station #, date, data, remark, latitude, longitude The information (name, location, & etc) concerning the sampling stations are listed in a separate file "STATION#.ZIP." This file contains the station information provided by STORET. Following lists the definitions for the 'REMARK' field of the data. REMARK DEFINITION ------- ----------- (blank) Data not remarked. Number should be interpreted exactly as reported. @ Data not remarked. Number should be interpreted exactly as reported. A Value reported is the mean of two or more determinations B Result based upon colony counts outside the acceptable range. C Calculated. Value stored was not measured directly, but was calculated from other data available. D Field measurement. Some parameter codes (e.g. 401,"Field" pH) imply this condition without this remark. E Extra sample taken in compositing process. F In the case of species, F indicates Female sex. G Value reported is the maximum of two or more determinations. H Value based on field kit determination; results may not be accurate. J Estimated. Value shown is not a result of analytical measurements. K Off-scale low. Actual value not known, but known to be less than value shown. Usually, used to indicate a failure to detect the substance. L Off-scale high. Actual value not known, but known to be greater than value shown. M Presence of material verified, but not quantified. Indicates a positive detection, at a level too low to permit accurate quantification. In the case of temperature or oxygen reduction potential, M indicates a negative value. In the case of species, M indicates Male sex. N Presumptive evidence of presence of material. O Sampled for, but analysis lost. Accompanying value is not meaningful for analysis. P Too numerous to count. Q Sample held beyond normal holding time. R Significant rain in the past 48 hours. S Laboratory test. T Value reported is less than the criteria of detection. U Material was analyzed for, but not detected. Value stored is the limit of detection for the process in use. In the case of species, undetermined sex. V Indicates the analyte was detected in both the sample and associated method blank. W Value observed is less than the lowest value reportable under remark "T". X Value is quasi vertically-integrated sample. Y Laboratory analysis from unpreserved sample. Data may not be accurate. Z Too many colonies were present to count (TNTC), the numeric value represents the filtration volume. $ Calculated by retrieval software. Numerical value was neither measured nor reported to the database, but was calculated from other data available during generation of the retrieval report. FILE NAME STORET PARAMETER DESCRIPTION ---------- ------------------------------------------------------- 1. 01T00010 WATER TEMPERATURE (Deg. C) 2. 02S00078 TRANSPARENCY, SECCHI DISK (m) 3. 03D00300 OXYGEN, DISSOLVED (mg/l) 4. 05P00400 pH (STANDARD UNITS) 5. 06S00480 SALINITY - (Parts per thousand) 6. 07R00530 RESIDUE, TOTAL NON-FILTERABLE (mg/l) 7. 08N00600 NITROGEN, TOTAL (mg/l as N) 8. 09N00610 NITROGEN, AMMONIA, TOTAL (mg/l as N) 9. 12N00625 NITROGEN, KJELDAHL, TOTAL (mg/l as N) 10. 13N00630 NITRITE PLUS NITRATE, TOT 1 DET. (mg/l as N) 11. 14P00665 PHOSPHORUS, TOTAL (mg/l as P) 12. 15C00680 CARBON, TOTAL ORGANIC (mg/l as C) 13. 16C00681 CARBON, DISSOLVED ORGANIC (mg/l as C) 14. 17A01002 ARSENIC, TOTAL (ug/l as As) 15. 18A01003 ARSENIC IN BOTTOM DEPOSITS, (mg/kg as As dry wgt.) 16. 19C01027 CADMIUM, TOTAL (ug/l as Cd) 17. 20C01028 CADMIUM IN BOTTOM DEPOSITS, (mg/kg, dry wgt.) 18. 21C01029 CHROMIUM IN BOTTOM DEPOSITS, (mg/kg, dry wgt.) 19. 22C01034 CHROMIUM, TOTAL (ug/l as Cr) 20. 23C01042 COPPER, TOTAL (ug/l as Cu) 21. 24C01043 COPPER IN BOTTOM DEPOSITS (mg/kg as Cu dry wgt) 22. 25L01051 LEAD, TOTAL (ug/l as Pb) 23. 26L01052 LEAD IN BOTTOM DEPOSITS (mg/kg as Pb dry wgt.) 24. 27N01067 NICKEL, TOTAL (ug/l as Ni) 25. 28N01068 NICKEL IN BOTTOM DEPOSITS (mg/kg as Ni dry wgt.) 26. 29Z01092 ZINC, TOTAL (ug/l as Zn) 27. 30Z01093 ZINC IN BOTTOM DEPOSITS (mg/kg as Zn dry wgt.) 28. 31C31503 COLIFORM, TOT, MEMBRANE FILTER, DELAYED, M-ENDO MED 35C(#/100ml) 29. 32C31615 FECAL COLIFORM, MPN, EC MED, 44.5 C (TUBE 31614)(#/100ml) 30. 33C31616 FECAL COLIFORM, MEMBRANE FILTER, M-FC BROTH, 44.5 C(#/100ml) 31. 34E31639 ENTEROCOCCI, GROUP D, MF TRANS, M-E, EIA (#/100ml) 32. 35F31678 FECAL STREPTOCOCCI, MPN, AD-EVA, TUBE CONFIGURATION 33. 36S31710 STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS MF-TECH. CONF GRAM STAIN 34. 37C32209 CHLOROPHYLL A (ug/l), FLUOROMETRIC CORRECTED 35. 38R70300 RESIDUE, TOTAL FILTERABLE (DRIED AT 180 C, mg/l) 36. 39P70507 PHOSPHORUS, IN TOTAL ORTHOPHOSPHATE (mg/l as P) 37. 40M71900 MERCURY, TOTAL (ug/l as Hg) 38. 41M71921 MERCURY, TOTAL IN BOTTOM DEPOSITS (mg/kg AS Hg dry wgt.) 39. 44T82079 TURBIDITY, LAB NEPHELOMETRIC TURBIDITY UNITS, NTU